1st International Conference On Rheology And Modeling Of Materials
Miskolc-Lillafüred, Hungary
Per informazioni rivolgersi a Prof. Dr. László A. Gömze
E-Mail: femgomze@uni-miskolc.hu
Informazioni Generali sull'evento
The international conference ic-rmm1 provides a platform among leading international scientists, researchers, PhD students and engineers for discussing recent achievements in measurement, modeling and application of rheology in materials technology and materials science of liquids, melts, solids. crystals and amorphous structures. Among the major fields of interest are the influences of temperature, mechanical stresses, deformation speeds on rheological properties, material structures and phase transformation of foams, foods, polymers, plastics and competitive materials like nanomaterials, medical- and biomaterials, ceramics, films and coatings, light metals, alloys, glasses, films, composites, hetero-modulus and hybrid materials, … etc.