International conference on rheology of construction materials
Paris, France
Per informazioni rivolgersi a Dr. Nicolas Roussel
E-Mail: nicolas.roussel@ifsttar.fr
Sito Web: http://sccparis2013.com/
Informazioni Generali sull'evento
The 1st International RILEM Conference on Rheology and Processing of Construction Materials along with the 7th RILEM Conference on Self-Compacting Concrete will be held in September 2013 during the 67th RILEM Week, which will gather international experts dealing with various aspects of construction materials. From a material point of view, these two joined conferences will deal with a variety of construction materials, including concrete, mortar, grouts, renders, plasters, bitumen, paints or adhesives… In particular, it is expected a wide set of works concerning the rheology, design and processing of self-compacting concrete to be presented there. For each of these construction materials, the conference will emphasize the following aspects: Components properties and characterization, Chemical admixtures and mix design, Laboratory and in-situ rheological testing, Constitutive models and flow modelling, Mixing, production and quality control, Processing and casting processes, Drying and setting, Process induced final properties such as mechanical or durability properties.