Annual European Rheology Conference 2003, AERC 2003
Polymer Engineering Department - University of Minho, Guimarães (Portugal)
Per informazioni rivolgersi a Dr. João Maia
Tel. +351-253510245
E-Mail: jmaia@dep.uminho.pt
Sito Web: http://www.dep.uminho.pt/aerc2003/
Informazioni Generali sull'evento
The aim of AERC 2003 is to contribute to the advancement of Rheology in Europe, by bringing together researchers in a meeting of broad scientific scope, focussed on the presentation of novel, high-quality scientific results.
The AERC 2003 will have a 3-day duration and will be split into topical Symposia, focussed either on mainstream or upcoming areas of Rheology. Each Symposium will have Chairpersons who will be in charge of organising its scientific programme. The conference will have Plenary, Oral (in parallel sessions) and Poster contributions, paper submission and registration being done electronically over the WWW. The submission of recent results will be fostered by keeping the deadline for abstract submission close to that of the conference and in order to promote the presentation of high-quality results, special issues of both Rheologica Acta and Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, containing contributions selected from each Symposium by the respective Chairpersons, will be edited after AERC 2003.
Evento sponsorizzato da: Nessuno Sponsor