Il Corso, organizzato dall'Associazione Italiana di Reologia-SIR, é rivolto a tutti coloro che, in qualitá di ricercatori e di tecnici, si occupano di argomenti e problemi riguardanti la reologia, sia in campo industriale, dalla ricerca e sviluppo di processi e prodotti al controllo qualità , sia in campo accademico
Rheological characterisation of gel systems used in treatments to control water production in oil/gas fields
Autori: L. Chiappa, P. D'Antona, G. Burrafato Presentato al:Southern Europe Conference on Rheology Anno: 1999 Volume: 1 Issue: Unico Casa Editrice: SIR-Cuen Napoli Lingua: English
In oil and gas wells, excessive water production is a major concern in the production of hydrocarbons. Chemical treatments are technologies widely used for solving water control problems and among them the injection of gels in the water producing zone is nowadays a mature technology. In this work we evaluated, by means both of oscillatory measurements (oscillatory measurements at low amplitude) and indentention test, the gelation time (Winter & Chambon criteria) and the gel stability of two different kind of commercial gels, an organic (polymer based) and an inorganic (silicate based) typically used in field applications. A correlation between rheological measurements and standard laboratory tests (such as observing the sol-gel transition checking the viscosity and/or the turbidity of the sample in the oven at reservoir temperature) were proposed. All these results helped us in the data interpretation of coreflood experiments used to design field applications.
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