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Associazione Italiana di Reologia

Southern Europe Conference on Rheology

Southern Europe Conference on Rheology Hotel Eurolido - Falerna, Calabria

Per informazioni rivolgersi a Bruno de Cindio
Tel. 0984492082
E-Mail: bruno.decindio@unical.it

Informazioni Generali sull'evento

Evento sponsorizzato da: University of Calabria, EniTecnologie, Pavan

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Elenco Abstact dell'evento
Icona Feccia A bubble growth model of pizza leavening
D. Gabriele, B. de Cindio, I. Soricaro, G. Furfaro
Icona Feccia A comparison between torsional and capillary rheometry for polyethylene and polyethylene blends
G. Carianni, P. Mariani
Icona Feccia A rheological approach to extruder design for liquorice extracts
D. Gabriele, S. Curcio, B. de Cindio
Icona Feccia A rheological study of hydrates formation and plugging
P. D'Antona, A. Arcelloni, S. D'Angelo, A. Guarnieri, R. Maglione
Icona Feccia A small contribution to the mechanical assessment off fruits texture
I. Sousa, R. Almeida, P.B. Rodrigues, C.M. Oliveira
Icona Feccia An engineering approach to the study of concentrated milk clotting
S. Curcio, D. Gabriele, V. Giordano, V. Calabrò, B. de Cindio, G. Iorio
Icona Feccia Comparison of the shear and elongational rheological behaviour of metallocene-catalyzed and conventional polyethylenes
F.P. La Mantia, R. Scaffaro
Icona Feccia Complex interplay of structure and rheology in model ultrasoft polymeric spheres
D. Vlassopoulos, M. Kapnistos, R. Sigel, G. Fytas, T. Roovers, S. Pispas, N. Hadjichristidis
Icona Feccia Concentration and temperature effect on the viscosity of binary sugar solutions
P. D'Antona, S. Correra, B. de Cindio
Icona Feccia Effect of a novel process on the rheological properties of a typical south-Italy product:
M. Di Matteo, L. Cinquanta, C. Naddeo, M. Rapacciuolo
Icona Feccia Effects of polymer addition on the rheology of O/W microemulsions
N. Coceani, R. Lapasin, M. Grassi
Icona Feccia Emulsification rheokinetics of nonionic surfactant-stabilized o/w emulsions
M.C. Sanchez, M. Berjano, A. Guerrero, C. Gallegos
Icona Feccia Evalutation of MWD from dynamic moduli: predictions from the double reptation model
M.R. Nobile, F. Cocchini
Icona Feccia Evalutation of non-linear constitutive equtions for liquid foams
A.C. Diogo, E. Baptista
Icona Feccia Firmness quality of dragee almonds
M. Di Matteo, L. Cinquanta, C. Naddeo, M. Poiana, M. Rapacciuoo
Icona Feccia Flow-induced isotropic/liquid-crystalline transitation monitored by rheological measurements
N. Grizzuti, P. Aresta, P.L. Maffettone
Icona Feccia Hardening kinetics of clear and pigmented water epoxy systems studied on the basis of the variations of the viscoelastic moduli
G. Torriano, S. Pricl
Icona Feccia Influence of surfactant addition on the rheological properties of aqueous welan matrices
S. Manca, R. Lapasin, P. Partal, C. Gallegos
Icona Feccia Influence of the operative parameters on chemical durability and rheological behavior of frits ceramic suspensions
F. Andreola, D. Bernardelli, M. Romagnoli, P. Pozzi
Icona Feccia Linear viscoelastic and extrusion flow measurements of an alleged long chain branched metallocene catalyzed polyethylenes
M. Fernàndez, J.J. Pena, A. Santamarià, J.F. Vega, A. Munoz-Escalona
Icona Feccia Linear viscoelasticity and steady-state flow behaviour of synthetic binders
F. Martinez-Boza, P. Portal, B. Conde, C. Gallegos
Icona Feccia Molecular structure from rheological data - a new sofware package
A.J. Franck, D. Mead
Icona Feccia Non-newtonian modeling of polarization phenomena during fruit juice concentration by membranes
S. Curcio, V. Calabrò, G. Iorio, B. de Cindio
Icona Feccia On the use of shear rate or shear stress as the indipendent variable in polymer melt rheology
P. Lomellini, D. Ferri
Icona Feccia Principles and applications of the compressional rheometer
B. Costello, P. Hodder, R. Pepi
Icona Feccia Quiescent and shear flow-induced crystallization of isotactic polypropylene
L. Bove, E. Somma, G. Titomanlio, M.R. Nobile
Icona Feccia Recent progress in modeling entangled polymer dynamics
G. Marucci, F. Greco, G. Ianniruberto
Icona Feccia Relationship between rheological properties and low-damaging potential of drill-in fluids
G. Gallino, M. Vanelli
Icona Feccia Rheological and thermal properties of poly(butylene terephthalate) copolymers containing diethylene glycol units
A. Munari, N. Lotti, L. Finelli, M. Fiorini
Icona Feccia Rheological behavior of durum wheat doughs and their relation to baking and pasta quality
D. Peressini, N.M. Edwards, J.E. Dexter, S.J. Mulvaney, A. Sensidoni, C.M. Pollini
Icona Feccia Rheological behavior of PET scraps modified by reactive extrusion
P. Scarfato, L. Incarnato, D. Acierno
Icona Feccia Rheological behavior of wood in musical instruments
E. Corona, A. Monaco
Icona Feccia Rheological behaviour and morphology of asphalt bitumens modified with reactive polyurethanes
T. Barbosa, J. Bordado, A.C. Diogo
Icona Feccia Rheological characterisation of collagenic gels for biomedical applications
G. La Sala, V. Miceli, D. Gabriele, B. de Cindio
Icona Feccia Rheological characterisation of gel systems used in treatments to control water production in oil/gas fields
L. Chiappa, P. D'Antona, G. Burrafato
Icona Feccia Rheological characterization of food industry wastewater
V. Giordano, V. Calabrò, B. de Cindio
Icona Feccia Rheology and stability of commercial cosmetics products
A. Semenzato, F. Zantomio, M. Meloni, M. Lovrecich, A. Bettero
Icona Feccia Rheology of alkane chains confined between metal surfaces: a molecular dynamics simulation study
S. Pricl, M. Fermeglia
Icona Feccia Rheology of baker's yeast suspensions
M. Mancini, M. Moresi
Icona Feccia Rheology of calcium carbonate suspensions in aqueous polysaccharide matrices
R. Lapasin, A. Zupancic
Icona Feccia Rheology of ceramics slurrieswith mixtures of deflocculating agents
F. Andreola, E. Castellini, M. Romagnoli
Icona Feccia Rheology of low-oil content salad dressings stabilized by modified starch and high methoxy pectins
C. Cabezas, B. Flores, M.C. Alfaro, J. Munoz
Icona Feccia Some thermophysical characteristics of the LCP under various pressures
E.I. Frenkin, V.E. Dreval, V.G. Kulichikhin
Icona Feccia Squeeze-recoil analysis of adhesive elastomers
S.V. Kotomin, T.A. Borodulina, M.M. Feldstein, V.G. Kulichikhin
Icona Feccia The application of rheology to the evalutation of bitumen ageing
C. Giavarini, D. Mastrofini, M. Scarsella
Icona Feccia The drilling well as viscometer: the route towards new drilling frontiers
R. Maglione
Icona Feccia The effect of CaCo3 concentration on rheological behaviour of filled weak gel systems
A. Zupancic, U. Florjancic, R. Lapasin, M. Zumer
Icona Feccia The influence of fibre type, length and matrix-fibre interactions on the properties of carbon-fibre composites of thermoplastic matrix
O.S. Carneiro, J.M. Maia
Icona Feccia The influence of relative concentration on the rheology of xanthan gum/spray-dried egg yolk aqueous dispersions
G. Velez, J. Ferguson, M.C. Alfaro, N.E. Hudson, E. MacDonald, J. Munoz
Icona Feccia The influence of surfactants on rheological properties of polysaccharide solutions
V. Kokol, R. Schneider, S. Sostar
Icona Feccia The influence of surfactants on the rheological properties of hydrophilic polymers
M. Oblonsek, S. Sostar, R. Schneider
Icona Feccia The steady annular extrusion of a newtonian liquid under gravity and surface tension
K. Housiadas, G. Georgiou, J. Tsamopoulos
Icona Feccia Theoretical and experimental determination of drop shape in slow steady shear flow
S. Guido, F. Greco, M. Villone
Icona Feccia Theoretical modelling and flow visualisation of an elastic, shear thinning polymer solution in complex flows
J.M. Maia
Icona Feccia Thermoreversible gels in oil/eva systems
M. Barral, E. Lizaso, M.E. Munoz, A. Santamarìa
Icona Feccia Viscoelastic behaviour of gel-like gelatin/locust bean gum two-phase systems
M.M. Alves, Yu.A. Antonov, M.P. Goncalves
Icona Feccia Viscoelastic behaviour of polymer melts in uniaxial extension flow
V.C. Barroso, J.M. Maia, A.J. Franck, D. Mead
Icona Feccia Viscoplastic and viscoelastic flows in generalized ducts
E. Mitsoulis, M. Beaulne
Icona Feccia Viscous behaviour of pharmaceutical creams: characterisation by neural network and polynomial modelling
M. Gasperlin, L. Tusar,J. Smid-Korbar, J. Kristl
Icona Feccia Wall slip peculiarities in PVC processing
J.M. Maia, J.A. Covas
Icona Feccia Weak gel model for foods
D. Grabiele, B. de Cindio, P. D'Antona

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