Rheology and stability of commercial cosmetics products
Autori: A. Semenzato, F. Zantomio, M. Meloni, M. Lovrecich, A. Bettero
Presentato al: Southern Europe Conference on Rheology
Anno: 1999
Volume: 1
Issue: Unico
Casa Editrice: SIR-Cuen Napoli
Lingua: English
In recent years the cosmetic industry has acknowledged the importance of rheological measurements of the finished products, in terms of characterization and improvement. Rheology has been found extremely useful to simulate stresses encountered during manufacturing and application, as well as to seek to match the consumer expectations in terms of texture and skin feel properties . In this work, the rheological characterization of different commercial cosmetic products was performed in order to study their stability in time. In particular, the correspondence between the results obtained using typical time-consuming ageing tests (centrifugation tests, storage at different temperatures) and the information provided by rheological assessments was investigated. The final objective of this study is to show that the knowledge of rheological properties of cosmetic formulations gives, in a very short time, the useful elements to predict the behaviour of the products in time. Moreover, it can be noticed that the same rheological measurements suggest how to improve not only the stability of the formulation but also its general performance.
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