Effect of a novel process on the rheological properties of a typical south-Italy product:
Autori: M. Di Matteo, L. Cinquanta, C. Naddeo, M. Rapacciuolo
Presentato al: Southern Europe Conference on Rheology
Anno: 1999
Volume: 2
Issue: Unico
Casa Editrice: SIR-Cuen Napoli
Lingua: English
The “Castagna del prete” is a typical product of Avellino province (Campania), obtained from the drying of local chestnuts (Castanea Sativa L.), followed by roasting and dehydration. The production is characterised by artisan production techniques, adopted in different way by several small producers. In fact, the parameters involved during the “Castagna del prete” process (i.e. drying time-temperature, conditions and time of dehydration) vary widely, influencing the product quality and its shelf-life. After harvesting, chestnuts should be seasoned for several days to remove the excess of moisture, and to delay mold formation during storage or shipping. Moreover if they are directly eaten an astringent taste may be perceived, and they need a few weeks for the starch to slowly change to sugar (this occurs in both air drying and refrigerated storage) (1, 2, 3).
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