Il Corso, organizzato dall'Associazione Italiana di Reologia-SIR, é rivolto a tutti coloro che, in qualitá di ricercatori e di tecnici, si occupano di argomenti e problemi riguardanti la reologia, sia in campo industriale, dalla ricerca e sviluppo di processi e prodotti al controllo qualitĂ , sia in campo accademico
Rheological characterisation of collagenic gels for biomedical applications
Autori: G. La Sala, V. Miceli, D. Gabriele, B. de Cindio Presentato al:Southern Europe Conference on Rheology Anno: 1999 Volume: 2 Issue: Unico Casa Editrice: SIR-Cuen Napoli Lingua: English
Collagen is formed by rather long chains (about 280 nm) of protein shaped as fibres that are widely aggregate along both the longitudinal and transversal directions. It is often used in the biomedical field as a matrix for vascular prosthesis for different reasons, but especially because by impregnating prosthesis by collagen it is possible to obtain a temporary blood impermeability that avoids in such a way undesired blood flux during prosthesis implantation. Cattle tendons are the raw material used to prepare the so called native collagen, therefore very often an inherent variability is expected between different stocks of different suppliers. A partial chemical denaturing by thermal treatment of the native collagen is necessary to making possible the spreading and a good impregnation. However this treatment should not be so strong, because it is required to maintain good mechanical properties, i.e. flexibility and resistance to traction. The final result should be a suspension of denatured collagen capable to be pushed into the prosthesis and to completely impregnate it. Afterward the prosthesis is dried and the fixation is made, where bonds are formed between collagen fibres thus generating a solid-like structure enough stable to the enzyme activity responsible of the “in vivo” digestion reaction.
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