A mathematical method to quantify the effect of
helical flow on endothelial cells
Autori: M. Grigioni, C. Daniele, U. Morbiducci, C. Del Gaudio, G. D’Avenio,
M. Abbate, V. Barbaro Presentato al:VIII Convegno Nazionale di Reologia Anno: 2004 Volume: Unico - Issue: Unico Casa Editrice: Lingua: English
Over the last years, several investigations have pointed to the key role of flow in influencing the vascular endothelium. In blood vessels, the extracellular matrix underlying the endothelium supports endothelial cell attachment, spreading, migration, and proliferation. A significant role is played by shear stress-induced alterations in the endothelial function, e.g., in the initiation of atherosclerotic lesions. Helical flow may play both a detrimental and a beneficial role, e. g., in plaque deposition, organ perfusion or in the tuning of cells’ mechanotrasduction pathways. The presence of the rotational component in helical flow must be accounted for in studies of endothelial shear. The proposal that mechanical forces play a role in the localization of the dysfunctional state of the vascular endothelium led us to develop a mathematical method to quantify the helical flow contents in a flow field, with the aim to furnish a synthetic tool to approach specific correlations between specific flow patterns and endothelial cells migration and proliferation. As a perspective, the proposed method could be used for the improvement of the cell seeding of prostheses by bioreactors.
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The XVIII edition of the SIR conference will be held in Villa Rosa, a recently renovated ancient Neapolitan villa in Capri Island (Naples, Italy), in September 12th-14th 2024. The event will be organised with the support of the Department of Chemical, Materials and Industrial Production Engineering of the University of Naples Federico II.
All those with an interest in rheology, in all its aspects, are invited to submit contributions.
Selected papers will be eligible for a special issue in Rheologica Acta.
L'Associazione Italiana di Reologia ha come scopo la promozione e lo sviluppo delle attività nel campo della reologia in relazione ai suoi aspetti teorici, sperimentali, didattici, applicativi e industriali.
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