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XVIII Convegno Nazionale di Reologia
XVIII Convegno Nazionale di Reologia Data Evento: 2024-09-12 00:00:00
Luogo: Capri Island (Naples, Italy)

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The XVIII edition of the SIR conference will be held in Villa Rosa, a recently renovated ancient Neapolitan villa in Capri Island (Naples, Italy), in September 12th-14th 2024.
All those with an interest in rheology, in all its aspects, are invited to submit contributions.
Selected papers will be eligible for a special issue in Rheologica Acta.
Eventi: Tutti
AERC 2024
Data Evento: 2024-04-09 00:00:00  (Evento Terminato)
Luogo: Leeds (UK)

You are warmly invited to the Annual European Rheology Conference 2024, which takes place at the University of Leeds, UK from 9-12 April 2024. Details of the meeting are now available at

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Scuola di Reologia Industriale (XIV Edizione)
Data Evento: 2023-09-10 00:00:00  (Evento Terminato)
Luogo: Valeggio sul Mincio

Il corso è rivolto a tutti coloro che si occupano di argomenti e problemi riguardanti la reologia, sia in campo industriale che in campo accademico. Per dottorandi è prevista, a richiesta, l'assegnazione di crediti formativi universitari (CFU). L'intento della scuola è quello di illustrare i concetti fondamentali della reologia, divulgandone la cultura, i principi che governano le misure reologiche e la loro applicazione per la risoluzione di problemi specifici. Particolare enfasi verra'  posta sulle tecniche di misura, sul trattamento e l'interpretazione dei dati sperimentali e sulla risoluzione di problemi pratici. A tal fine il programma comprende l'analisi di una serie di casi risolti e l'esame di altri, su suggerimento dei partecipanti. Esercitazioni pratiche presiedute anche dai docenti saranno eseguite con reometri commerciali messi a disposizione dalle principali ditte costruttrici. Le attivita'  didattiche si svolgeranno presso la sala convegni dell'Hotel EDEN a Valeggio sul Mincio (VR). Al termine dei lavori verra'  rilasciato un attestato di partecipazione al corso.

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International Congress on Rheology - ICR 2023
Data Evento: 2023-07-29 00:00:00  (Evento Terminato)
Luogo: Athens

Dear friends and colleagues,
We are pleased to invite you to participate at the XIXth International Congress on Rheology (ICR2023), in Athens, Greece, from July 29th to August 4th, 2023.
ICR2023, which is organized by the Hellenic and Israeli Societies of Rheology in collaboration with the Hellenic Polymer Society and the Israeli Polymer and Plastics Society, under the auspices of the International Committee on Rheology and the European Society of Rheology, aims at bringing together the world's rheology community to discuss the latest advances and developments in our field.
The Program includes plenary lectures, keynote lectures, oral and poster presentations, along with two short courses, scheduled for the weekend of 29-30 July 2023. In addition to the technical program, a diverse social program is planned to expose the participants to the wonderful and historical attractions of Athens and Greece.
Athens, the capital of Greece, is the cradle of Western civilization, whose symbol is the city's landmark, Parthenon temple in Acropolis hill. A vibrant city with thousands of years of history and an abundance of archaeological, cultural and architectural treasures, it is blessed with the excellent Mediterranean climate and surrounded by the "big blue" of the Aegean sea. This setting, along with a superb infrastructure in terms of accommodation, local transportation and recreation, make Athens an ideal venue for this important event.
We look forward to welcoming you to Athens in 2023,
The Local Organizing Committee

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XI conference "Times of Polymers (TOP) and Composites"
Data Evento: 2023-06-11 00:00:00  (Evento Terminato)
Luogo: Ischia, Italy

The 11th Conference on "Times of Polymers (TOP) & Composites" is organized by Italian groups on polymer science and composites. It provides a forum for scientists and engineers throughout the world interested in the timescales of polymers and composites processing, structure and properties. As time is the driving concept in the polymer science community, TOP-Conferences include sessions on various topics and provide opportunities for exchanging ideas and opinions on both fundamental science and industry-relevant subjects.

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European Young Rheologists Symposium 2023
Data Evento: 2023-05-08 00:00:00  (Evento Terminato)
Luogo: Evento online

The Italian Society of Rheology (SIR) and the European Society of Rheology (ERS) welcome you to the first edition of European Young Rheologists Symposium.
EYRS was born with the idea of creating a new event where young rheologists can present their activities, share experiences, and extend their research network in an informal contest. It is an opportunity to freely share ideas and doubts and to get advice and suggestions from senior mentors who will moderate the discussions.

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XVII Convegno Nazionale di Reologia
Data Evento: 2022-06-20 00:00:00  (Evento Terminato)
Luogo: Genova

L'Associazione Italiana di Reologia, SIR, organizza con cadenza biennale il Convegno Nazionale di Reologia, che costituisce il punto d'incontro della comunità  reologica italiana per promuovere le conoscenze e confrontarsi sulle ricerche nel campo della reologia, sviluppando contatti e collaborazioni tra i diversi soggetti operanti nelle varie realtà produttive e accademiche, rappresentando inoltre un'occasione particolarmente utile per i giovani ricercatori. Il Convegno si articolerà  in conferenze plenarie, comunicazioni orali e poster su argomenti legati a tutte le aree tematiche della reologia.

Il convegno si terrà  nella cornice di Palazzo Ducale a Genova con il patrocinio dell'Università  di Genova e si articolerà  in conferenze plenarie, comunicazioni orali e poster su temi legati a tutte le aree tematiche della reologia. Sono invitati a presentare contributi tutti coloro che hanno interesse nella reologia, in tutti i suoi aspetti. Vi invitiamo a navigare sul sito per avere maggiori informazioni sulla località , sulle modalità  di registrazione e su ogni altro dettaglio relativo allo svolgimento del Convegno.

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Nordic Rheology Conference & Nordic Polymer Days 2020
Data Evento: 2020-06-03 00:00:00  (Evento Terminato)
Luogo: Espoo, Finland

In 2020, the Nordic Rheology Conference (NRC2020) will be organized jointly with the Nordic Polymer Days (NPD2020). The special theme of the conference is 'Sustainable Chemistry and Materials'. However, oral and poster contributions from all areas of rheology and polymer research are warmly welcom.
The NRC&NPD2020 conference will take place at Aalto University, located in the city of Espoo. The university is conveniently located about 10 kilometers from the center of Helsinki, and it can be easily reached by public transportation (metro/buses).

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XVI Convegno Nazionale di Reologia
Data Evento: 2019-06-18 00:00:00  (Evento Terminato)
Luogo: Roma

L'Associazione Italiana di Reologia-SIR ha tra i suoi scopi la promozione delle conoscenze e delle ricerche nel campo della reologia e lo sviluppo di contatti e collaborazioni tra i diversi soggetti operanti nelle varie realtà  produttive, accademiche e della ricerca. Il Convegno Nazionale che la SIR organizza con cadenza biennale costituisce il punto d'incontro della comunità  reologica italiana, durante il quale i reologi si confrontano sullo stato dell'arte nei vari ambiti di ricerca. La sede del prossimo convegno sarà  a Roma presso la Domus Australia (, situata nel centro storico della città  eterna, a due passi dalla Stazione Termini.

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34th International Conference of the Polymer Processing Society
Data Evento: 2018-05-21 00:00:00  (Evento Terminato)
Luogo: Taipei

The conference will take place at the Taipei International Convention Center (TICC) located next to the Taipei 101 tower.
The conference will consist of plenary and keynote lectures, general symposia and poster presentation on up to date topics of polymer processing. We expect over 700 participants from around the world to attend. Although an intensive science and technology experience is the driving force of the PPS-34, the social and cultural part of a visit to Taiwan should not be missed. The Organizing Committee is putting in its best effort to organize this event and make it a memorable in one of the most attractive regions of Taiwan

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Annual European Rheology Conference - AERC 2018
Data Evento: 2018-04-17 00:00:00  (Evento Terminato)
Luogo: Hilton Sorrento Palace, Sorrento, Italy

We invite you to the Annual European Rheology Conference in Sorrento, Italy. We aim at organising a meeting for rheologists from all scientific fields, from academy to industry so to create a nice atmosphere to discuss and share ideas.
Abstract submission will be opened from early september 2017.
Abstract submission deadline: 18th November 2017
Early bird registration deadline: 20th January 2018
A Rheology Course will be organised before the conference beginning: “Particles, Active Matter, Confinement and Viscoelasticity: the microfluidic playground”: 16-17 April 2018. Lecturers: Pier Luca Maffettone, Amy Shen, Julia Yeomans

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Annual European Rheology Conference 2018 (AERC 2018)
Data Evento: 2018-04-17 00:00:00  (Evento Terminato)
Luogo: Sorrento

We invite you to the joint Annual European Rheology Conference (AERC) and XV Meeting of the Italian Society of Rheology - SIR in Sorrento, Italy, 17-20 April 2018. We aim at organising a meeting for rheologists from all scientific fields, from academy to industry and government laboratories in a friendly, informal atmosphere to discuss and share ideas. The Italian Society of Rheology (SIR) meetings are organized biannually all around Italy and provide a welcoming environment, which makes the conferences an excellent platform for networking with old and new colleagues, including the newcomers to the field.

The joint AERC-SIR conferences will take place in the extraordinary landscape of the Sorrento coast where sea and mountain, deep valleys and citrus groves plateaux alternate. Not to mention the pleasures of the Italian cuisine with the renowned local specialties from the Campania region.

This year a short rheology course on “Particles, Active Matter, Confinement and Viscoelasticity: The Microfluidic Playground” will be organised in Naples from 16th to 17th April, and Pier Luca Maffettone will coordinate it. In addition to Pier Luca the lectures will be given by prof. Amy Shen from OIST Graduate University, Okinawa, and prof. Julia Yeomans from the University of Oxford.

Beside the conference anybody can enjoy the marvels of Sorrento coast from nature to culture, thermal spas, naturalistic walks and excursions to the famous nearby locations: Naples, Pompei, Ercolano, Ischia, Capri, Positano, Amalfi, Ravello, etc.

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I° SIR-CRS Workshop Reologia e sviluppo di medicinali: due mondi a confronto
Data Evento: 2017-12-15 00:00:00  (Evento Terminato)
Luogo: Roma, Domus Australia; Via Cernaia 14/B

La reologia può svolgere un ruolo importante in campo farmaceutico e biomedico, in particolare nello sviluppo di sistemi per il rilascio controllato di farmaci, fornendo criteri utili per analizzare e risolvere problemi legati alla formulazione ed all’impiego degli stessi.
L’incontro è stato organizzato da SIR e CRS per offrire un’occasione di confronto di esperienze e conoscenze maturate negli ambiti specifici della ricerca in campo reologico e nel settore biomedico su temi di comune interesse.

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Scuola di Reologia
Data Evento: 2017-09-03 00:00:00  (Evento Terminato)
Luogo: Valeggio sul Mincio

Il corso è rivolto a tutti coloro che si occupano di argomenti e problemi riguardanti la reologia, sia in campo industriale che in campo accademico.
Per dottorandi è prevista, a richiesta, l’assegnazione di crediti formativi.
L’intento della scuola è quello di illustrare i concetti fondamentali della reologia, divulgandone la cultura, i principi che governano le misure reologiche e la loro applicazione per la risoluzione di problemi specifici. Particolare enfasi verrà posta sulle tecniche di misura, sul trattamento e l’interpretazione dei dati sperimentali e sulla risoluzione di problemi pratici. A tal fine il programma comprende l’analisi di una serie di casi risolti e l’esame di altri, su suggerimento dei partecipanti. Esercitazioni pratiche presiedute anche dai docenti saranno eseguite con reometri commerciali messi a disposizione dalle principali ditte costruttrici.
Le attività didattiche si svolgeranno presso la sala convegni dell’Hotel EDEN a Valeggio sul Mincio (VR).

Al termine dei lavori verrà rilasciato un attestato di partecipazione al Corso

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Data Evento: 2017-07-10 00:00:00  (Evento Terminato)
Luogo: Porto, Portugal

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3rd International Conference on Mechanics of Composites
Data Evento: 2017-07-04 00:00:00  (Evento Terminato)
Luogo: Bologna, Italy

After the great success of the 1st edition at Stony Brook University (USA), which attracted more than 400 delegates and the 2nd edition at FEUP University of Porto (Portugal) which attracted more than 300 delegates, the 3rd edition will take place at University of Bologna (Italy) from 4-7th July 2017.

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7th International Conference on Mechanics and Materials in Design (M2D 2017)
Data Evento: 2017-06-11 00:00:00  (Evento Terminato)
Luogo: Albufeira/Algarve, Portugal

M2D2017 is the seventh international gathering of academics, scientists and engineers interested in the fields of mechanics, engineering design, advanced materials, energy harvesting, reliability, quality and safety engineering, and is planned for June 11-15, 2017 in Albufeira/Algarve, Portugal.

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Second International Conference on Advanced Polymeric Materials (ICAPM 2017)
Data Evento: 2017-04-07 00:00:00  (Evento Terminato)
Luogo: Kottayam, Kerala, India

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IACM - 19th International Conference on Finite Elements in Flow Problems (FEF 2017)
Data Evento: 2017-04-05 00:00:00  (Evento Terminato)
Luogo: Rome, Italy

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Annual European Rheology Conference - AERC 2017
Data Evento: 2017-04-03 00:00:00  (Evento Terminato)
Luogo: Copenaghen, Denmark

We cordially invite you to join us at the combined Annual European Rheology Conference & Nordic Rheology Conference in Copenhagen, Denmark, 3rd - 6th April, 2017.

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Separations Technology IX: New Frontiers in Media, Techniques, and Technologies
Data Evento: 2017-03-05 00:00:00  (Evento Terminato)
Luogo: Grand Real Santa Eulalia Hotel Albufeira, Portugal

This conference series began in 1985 and the overall goal remains the same: To bring together researchers working in the frontier areas of a variety of separation technologies.

We hope to attract researchers working in adsorption, absorption, bioseparations, chromatography, crystallization, distillation, membranes, novel technologies, etc. The focus will be on new separation media, new separation techniques and new technologies breaking out. These aspects are key to the challenges appearing in carbon capture and sequestration, desalination, and increasing application needs in bioseparations among others. The issues of sustainability, energy consumption and process intensification will be ever present in all of our deliberations.

A very large fraction of the current research in separations involves membranes and adsorbents. New separation media being discovered or developed impact both areas. Therefore in this conference there will be significant attention to the developments in separation media and the role of modeling in such activity. The nature of the separation device and the separation technique employed is crucial to the exploitation of the novel separation media. What novel separation technologies are breaking out is another area of importance.

We expect high and continued interest in the conference on Separations Technology since it is such a crucial part of a number of major industrial processes around the world.

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88th Annual Meeting
Data Evento: 2017-02-12 00:00:00  (Evento Terminato)
Luogo: Grand Hyatt Tampa Bay Tampa, Florida

The 88th Annual Meeting of The Society of Rheology will be held in Tampa, Florida on February 12-16, 2017; the optional associated short courses will be offered February 11th and 12th. The technical program will take place at the Grand Hyatt Tampa Bay, which is set along a nature preserve on the Bay’s upper shores on 35 acres of unspoiled beauty in one of Florida’s most picturesque locales.

The average high and low temperatures in Tampa during February are 72°F and 54°F, respectively.

We look forward to seeing you in Tampa!

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1st workshop Innovative and advanced processing for polymers
Data Evento: 2017-01-26 00:00:00  (Evento Terminato)
Luogo: University of LYON

This workshop aims to explore the recent innovations in polymer processing and advanced techniques to succeed in producing new materials, complex parts and controlled morphologies. The current tendency is to complexify the design and properties of new polymeric materials which can not be obtained only by simple formulation. Innovative processing is then one way towards advanced materials.
This two days workshop will particularly focus on additive manufacturing, micro-devices and nano-processing, high speed processing and advanced extrusion that enable better control of material structures.
The format of the workshop is designed to foster dialogue and exchange between leading academic scientists and experts from industry, who will give their understanding/perspective in the field of polymer processing.
This workshop is open to engineers and researchers from academia and industry.

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Data Evento: 2017-01-23 00:00:00  (Evento Terminato)
Luogo: Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto (FEUP)

Following the previous successful Flowing Matter Conferences (December 2014 and January 2016), Flowing Matter 2017 will take place again in Porto, Portugal.

Flowing matter lies at the crossroads between industrial processes, fundamental physics, engineering and Earth Sciences. Depending on the microscopic interactions, an assembly of molecules or of mesoscopic particles can flow like a simple Newtonian fluid, deform elastically like a solid or behave in a complex manner. When the internal constituents are active, as for biological entities, one generally observes complex large-scale collective motions. The phenomenology is further complicated by the invariable tendency of fluids to display chaos at the large scales or when stirred strong enough. A fundamental understanding of flowing matter is still missing impeding scientific progress, effective control on industrial processes, as well as accurate predictions of natural phenomena. Flowing matter frequently presents a tight coupling between small-scale structures and large-scale flow urging for a unifying approach. The Action will coordinate existing research efforts into a synergetic plan of collaborations and exchanges to develop an innovative multi-scale approach able to encompass the traditional micro-, meso-, and macro-scales descriptions. Breakthroughs in the understanding of flowing matter will impact on fundamental key scientific issues, such as the glass, the elasto-plastic and the jamming transitions, as well as industrial applications including health, energy, cosmetics, detergents, food, paints, inks, oil and gas.

The conference will cover the three main topics of the COST Action: complex fluids, active matter and complex flows. You are welcome to submit contributions in any of these three areas.
Contributions that cover interdisciplinary aspects, i.e. that cross two or more areas are particularly encouraged.

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XIV Convegno Nazionale di Reologia
Data Evento: 2016-06-01 00:00:00  (Evento Terminato)
Luogo: Montepaone Lido (CZ)

L’Associazione Italiana di Reologia-SIR organizza il XIV Convegno Nazionale di Reologia in Calabria, a Montepaone Lido (CZ), dall’1 al 4 giugno 2016.
Il Convegno Nazionale rappresenta da tempo un proficuo momento di dialogo tra esponenti provenienti da campi diversi, ma comunque coinvolti nel settore della reologia. Sono invitati a presentare contributi tutti coloro che hanno interesse nella reologia, in tutti i suoi aspetti.
Nell’ambito del convegno, inoltre, si svolgerà l’Assemblea dei Soci.

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Scuola di Reologia
Data Evento: 2015-09-08 00:00:00  (Evento Terminato)

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40° Congresso SICC: Interdisciplinary and International Concept Conference in Expo
Data Evento: 2015-06-11 00:00:00  (Evento Terminato)
Luogo: Milano

Abstract Themes
In line with the general objective of the Congress and the aims of the EXPO 2015, the paper can be either
an original research work or an outstanding survey on one of the following headings
Simplify the approach to ingredients innovation
Simplify Interdisciplinary Interaction
Sustainable packaging and Supply Chain
Effective Communication
Sustainable QM and Simplified Quality Controls

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The 7th International Symposium on Food Rheology and Structure - ISFRS 2015
Data Evento: 2015-06-07 00:00:00  (Evento Terminato)
Luogo: Zurich

The International Symposium on Food Rheology and Structure (ISFRS) is hosted by the Institute of Food, Nutrition and Health at ETH Zürich The symposium was initiated in 1997 by Erich J. Windhab and E. Dewald and since then held every three years in 2000, 2003, 2006, 2009, and 2012. The next symposium will take place in June 2015.

The International Symposium on Food Rheology and Structure addresses the needs of food rheology and structure researchers. The symposium is devoted to rheology of food and related systems, to food structure and structure analysis, and to the complex relationship between food processing, structure, rheology and resulting food quality.

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8th International Conference on Computational and Experimental Methods in Multiphase and Complex Flow
Data Evento: 2015-04-20 00:00:00  (Evento Terminato)
Luogo: València

The success of the series of International Conferences on Multiphase Flow, Orlando, Florida (2001); Santa Fe, New Mexico (2003), Portland, Maine (2005), Bologna, (2007), New Forest, UK (2009), Koss, Greece (2011) and A Coruna, Spain (2013) has led to reconvening the meeting in 2015.

The overall focus of this conference series is the combination of experimental and computational techniques to gain a better understanding of all classes of multiphase and complex flow. The goal of the meeting is to facilitate the exchange of ideas and experiences directly and interactively, thereby promoting the development of knowledge in this increasingly important topic.

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Annual European rheology Conference AERC 2015
Data Evento: 2015-04-14 00:00:00  (Evento Terminato)
Luogo: Nantes

The 10th Annual European Rheology Conference will be organized in Nantes (France) by the Groupe Français de Rhéologie in April 2015. The conference will coincide with the Golden Jubilee meeting of the Groupe Français de Rhéologie. The conference will bring together world-class scientists, engineers, industrial experts and students involved in modern rheology and its applications. The program will be arranged around four plenary lectures with six parallel sessions and a poster session. A permanent exhibition of scientific and technological equipment will be part of the program of the conference. Ample time will be given to participants to discuss and promote new partnerships during lunches, coffee breaks and several free social activities. Nantes is an attractive city rich in art and history situated in the heart of a region committed to higher education, innovation and industry. It is easily accessible by high speed trains and/or direct flights from most parts of Europe. This ideal location in combination with an excellent public transportation system will offer the chance to many scientists from all over the world to come to the AERC conference in 2015.

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Arrested Gels: Dynamics, structure and applications
Data Evento: 2015-03-23 00:00:00  (Evento Terminato)
Luogo: Cambridge

The RSC/SCI Colloids Group ( is pleased to announce a meeting for academia, industry and students to link the latest research on gels to tomorrow’s applications in the captivating and inspiring atmosphere of Cambridge.Colloidal gels are complex materials that when suitably designed give the performance and function to a wide range of advanced modern day products. Fundamental to designing such materials is understanding the interplay between interparticle forces on the molecular level and mesoscopic and macroscopic phenomena of network formation, mechanical properties and time-evolution. Understanding how all these components behave and interact together will be the focus of this colloquium.

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XIII Convegno nazionale di Reologia
Data Evento: 2014-09-07 00:00:00  (Evento Terminato)
Luogo: Brescia

L’Associazione Italiana di Reologia, SIR, organizza con cadenza biennale il Convegno Nazionale di Reologia, atteso momento d’incontro per tutti coloro che, in ambito accademico o industriale, operano nel campo della reologia.

Il tredicesimo Convegno Nazionale di Reologia si terrà in Lombardia, nella città di Brescia, meta nuova per la comunità reologica italiana.

Il Convegno si articolerà su conferenze plenarie, comunicazioni orali e poster su temi legati a tutte le aree tematiche della reologia. Sono invitati a presentare contributi tutti coloro che hanno interesse nella reologia, in tutti i suoi aspetti.
Vi invitiamo a navigare sul sito per avere maggiori informazioni sulla località, sulle modalità di registrazione e su ogni altro dettaglio relativo allo svolgimento del Convegno.

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1st International Conference On Rheology And Modeling Of Materials
Data Evento: 2013-10-07 00:00:00  (Evento Terminato)
Luogo: Miskolc-Lillafüred, Hungary

The international conference ic-rmm1 provides a platform among leading international scientists, researchers, PhD students and engineers for discussing recent achievements in measurement, modeling and application of rheology in materials technology and materials science of liquids, melts, solids. crystals and amorphous structures. Among the major fields of interest are the influences of temperature, mechanical stresses, deformation speeds on rheological properties, material structures and phase transformation of foams, foods, polymers, plastics and competitive materials like nanomaterials, medical- and biomaterials, ceramics, films and coatings, light metals, alloys, glasses, films, composites, hetero-modulus and hybrid materials, … etc.

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International conference on rheology of construction materials
Data Evento: 2013-09-02 00:00:00  (Evento Terminato)
Luogo: Paris, France

The 1st International RILEM Conference on Rheology and Processing of Construction Materials along with the 7th RILEM Conference on Self-Compacting Concrete will be held in September 2013 during the 67th RILEM Week, which will gather international experts dealing with various aspects of construction materials.
From a material point of view, these two joined conferences will deal with a variety of construction materials, including concrete, mortar, grouts, renders, plasters, bitumen, paints or adhesives… In particular, it is expected a wide set of works concerning the rheology, design and processing of self-compacting concrete to be presented there.
For each of these construction materials, the conference will emphasize the following aspects: Components properties and characterization, Chemical admixtures and mix design, Laboratory and in-situ rheological testing, Constitutive models and flow modelling, Mixing, production and quality control, Processing and casting processes, Drying and setting, Process induced final properties such as mechanical or durability properties.

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AERC 2013 -8th Annual European Rheology Conference
Data Evento: 2013-04-02 00:00:00  (Evento Terminato)
Luogo: Leuven, Belgium

The aim of AERC 2013 is to bring together the world leading experts in the field of modern rheology.The programme will be centered around 4 plenary lectures, including the Weissenberg award lecture, with 5 parallel sessions.
The Conference will take place in Leuven, Belgium.

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The XVIth International Congress on Rheology
Data Evento: 2012-08-05 00:00:00  (Evento Terminato)
Luogo: Lisbon, Portugal

The XVIth International Congress on Rheology will take place in Lisbon, Portugal from August 5 to August 10, 2012. The Congress convenes every four years and brings together the world’s leading rheologists to present the latest advances and developments in this field. In addition, two short courses will be offered on the weekend before the Congress, August 3-4, 2012.
The Congress will have fifteen symposia covering all the aspects of Rheology and will take place in the Belém Cultural Center, a modern Conference and Arts Center located on the Lisbon riverfront next to several historical buildings and landmarks. A pre-registration facility is available on the conference website to allow everyone interested in it to receive first hand all the news on the conference and updates to the site.
Lisbon was founded by the Phoenicians, styled by the Moors and certainly enriched by the spice trade in the golden age of its overseas connections. It is one of Europe’s historic capitals, a blend of unusual character and charm and an amalgam of 800 years of cultural influences mingled with modern trends and life style creating spectacular contrasts. Spread across seven hills always opening a window towards the majestic Tagus river, Lisbon invites you.
In addition to the technical program, an active social program has been prepared not only during the conference but also before and after, so that this trip may also be an unforgettable family and social one.

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XII Convegno Nazionale di Reologia
Data Evento: 2012-07-03 00:00:00  (Evento Terminato)
Luogo: Ustica (Palermo)

L’Associazione Italiana di Reologia-SIR ha tra i suoi scopi sociali la promozione delle conoscenze e delle ricerche nel campo della reologia e lo sviluppo di contatti e collaborazioni tra i diversi soggetti operanti nelle varie realtà produttive, accademiche e della ricerca. A tali fini contribuisce in misura significativa il Convegno Nazionale che la SIR organizza con cadenza biennale.
Il convegno si articolerà in conferenze plenarie, comunicazioni orali e poster su temi legati a tutte le aree tematiche della Reologia.
Sono invitati a presentare contributi tutti coloro che hanno interesse nella Reologia, in tutti i suoi aspetti.

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Times of Polymers (TOP) and Composites
Data Evento: 2012-06-10 00:00:00  (Evento Terminato)
Luogo: Ischia, Napoli

The 6th Conference on " Times of Polymers (TOP) & Composites" is organized by Italian groups on polymer science and composites.
Conference provides a forum for scientists and engineers throughout the world interested in the timescales of polymers and composites processing, structure and properties.
As time is the driving concept in the polymer science community, TOP-Conferences include sessions on various topics and provide opportunities for exchanging ideas and opinions on both fundamental science and industry-relevant subjects.

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6th International Symposium on Food Rheology and Structure (ISFRS 2012)
Data Evento: 2012-04-10 00:00:00  (Evento Terminato)
Luogo: Zurich, Switzerland

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IX Scuola di Reologia - Corso di formazione ed aggiornamento per ricercatori e tecnici industriali
Data Evento: 2011-09-05 00:00:00  (Evento Terminato)
Luogo: Valeggio sul Mincio (VR)

Il Corso, organizzato dall'Associazione Italiana di Reologia-SIR, è rivolto a tutti coloro che, in qualità di ricercatori e di tecnici, si occupano di argomenti e problemi riguardanti la reologia, sia in campo industriale, dalla ricerca e sviluppo di processi e prodotti al controllo qualità, sia in campo accademico.
Il Corso è stato programmato con l’intenzione di illustrare ai partecipanti i concetti fondamentali della reologia, i principi che governano le misure reologiche e la loro applicazione per la risoluzione di problemi specifici.
Particolare enfasi verrà posta sulle tecniche di misura e sul trattamento e l’interpretazione dei dati sperimentali. A tal fine il programma comprende l’analisi di una serie di casi risolti nel campo dei polimeri e dei sistemi dispersi, insieme all’esame diretto di altri, su suggerimento dei partecipanti, nel corso di prove pratiche che saranno eseguite con reometri commerciali forniti dalle principali ditte costruttrici.
La quota di partecipazione alla scuola è di €950. In misura limitata, è ammessa l’iscrizione di dottorandi e borsisti, con quota di partecipazione di €900.
Oltre alla partecipazione al corso, la quota comprende anche l’iscrizione gratuita per un anno all’Associazione Italiana di Reologia, la sistemazione alberghiera, i pranzi, i coffee break, i testi delle lezioni insieme alla documentazione tecnica degli strumenti e la cena della serata di mercoledì 7settembre.
L’iscrizione deve essere effettuata entro il 15 giugno 2011. Le iscrizioni che dovessero pervenire oltre tale data potrebbero non essere accettate dal comitato organizzatore.
Le attività didattiche si svolgeranno presso la sala convegni dell’ Hotel EDEN a Valeggio sul Mincio (VR).

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AERC 2011 - 7th Annual European Rheology Conference
Data Evento: 2011-05-10 00:00:00  (Evento Terminato)
Luogo: Suzdal - Russia

AERC 2011 will take place in the medieval Russian town – Suzdal. The AERC will be devoted to the 100th anniversary of Prof. G.V.Vinogradov, who was the founder of the modern rheology in Soviet Union and the organizer of the first laboratory of polymer rheology in Soviet (now Russian) Academy of Sciences.

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XI Convegno Nazionale di Reologia
Data Evento: 2010-05-23 00:00:00  (Evento Terminato)
Luogo: Trieste, Italia

La Società Italiana di Reologia organizza l’ XI Convegno Nazionale di Reologia a Trieste dal 23 al 26 maggio 2010. A distanza di 12 anni esatti dalla “Joint Conference of Italian, Austrian and Slovenian Rheologists”, il convegno nazionale ritorna con la sua undicesima edizione a Trieste, in una città che per tradizione è un luogo di incrocio di esperienze e culture diverse e che vanta il primato nazionale della più alta densità di enti di ricerca e di alta formazione. Il convegno avrà luogo dal 23 al 26 maggio 2010, a due passi dalla piazza dell’Unità d’Italia, che è la più grande d'Europa tra le piazze aperte sul mare, nello Starhotels Savoia Excelsior Palace, appena rinnovato, situato in Riva del Mandracchio.
Nell’ambito del convegno è prevista una sessione speciale dedicata alla presentazione dei lavori da parte dei vincitori del Premio di Laurea “Panta Rei”
Per favorire ulteriormente la partecipazione di borsisti, dottorandi di ricerca ed assegnisti è prevista una quota di iscrizione particolarmente vantaggiosa che sarà coperta, per i primi 10 iscritti che siano anche membri della SIR, da un apposito contributo messo a disposizione dalla Società Italiana di Reologia.
I dettagli organizzativi e le modalità di partecipazione descritti all’interno del sito internet dedicato al convegno.
Nell’ambito del convegno, inoltre, avrai la possibilità di partecipare all’Assemblea dei Soci durante la quale si svolgerà anche la votazione per il rinnovo del consiglio direttivo.
Per ogni ulteriore informazione, o richiesta specifica, è possibile contattare il Comitato Locale.

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AERC 2010 6th Annual European Rheology Conference
Data Evento: 2010-04-07 00:00:00  (Evento Terminato)
Luogo: Goteborg (Sweden)

The aim of AERC 2010 is to be a meeting place where rheologists in academia and industry can share new science and technical developments, and to discuss, develop and cooperate on common themes.

The AERC 2010 will be organized by the Nordic Rheology Society in Göteborg, on the Swedish west coast. With a population of half a million Göteborg is moderately sized by European standards but has a rich cultural life and plentiful shopping.

The weather in April is usually pleasant in Göteborg with afternoon temperatures around 10-15°C. The evenings are bright and the sun sets at 8.30 pm.

Please take a chance already now to get acquainted to Sweden – and particularly Göteborg – through the website where you will also find excursion and travel deals. We hope to see you in 2010 for a mix of rheology and Swedish hospitality!

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VIII Scuola di Reologia - Corso di formazione e aggiornamento per ricercatori e tecnici industriali
Data Evento: 2009-09-07 00:00:00  (Evento Terminato)
Luogo: valeggio sul Mincio (VR)

Il Corso, organizzato dalla Società Italiana di Reologia, è rivolto a tutti coloro che, in qualità di ricercatori e di tecnici, si occupano di argomenti e problemi riguardanti la reologia, sia in campo industriale, dalla ricerca e sviluppo di processi e prodotti al controllo qualità, sia in campo accademico.
Il Corso è stato programmato con l’intenzione di illustrare ai partecipanti i concetti fondamentali della reologia, i principi che governano le misure reologiche e la loro applicazione per la risoluzione di problemi specifici.
Particolare enfasi verrà posta sulle tecniche di misura e sul trattamento e l’interpretazione dei dati sperimentali. A tal fine il programma comprende l’analisi di una serie di casi risolti nel campo dei polimeri e dei sistemi dispersi, insieme all’esame diretto di altri, su suggerimento dei partecipanti, nel corso di prove pratiche che saranno eseguite con reometri commerciali forniti dalle principali ditte costruttrici.
La quota di partecipazione è di € 950 per i non soci e di € 850 per i soci della Società Italiana di Reologia. In misura limitata, è ammessa l’iscrizione di dottorandi e borsisti, con quota di partecipazione di € 900. La quota comprende: partecipazione al corso, sistemazione alberghiera, pranzi, coffee break, testi delle lezioni, documentazione tecnica degli strumenti e cena della serata di mercoledì 9 settembre 2009. L’iscrizione deve essere effettuata entro il 30 aprile 2009. Le iscrizioni che dovessero pervenire oltre tale data potrebbero non essere accettate dal comitato organizzatore.
Le attività didattiche si svolgeranno presso la sala convegni dell’ Hotel EDEN a Valeggio sul Mincio (VR).

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Polymerfest - 40 years of "Polymer Research" at University of Palermo
Data Evento: 2009-08-30 00:00:00  (Evento Terminato)
Luogo: Palermo (Italy)

Forty years ago, with the arrival of Giuseppe Marrucci and, afterwards, of Domenico Acierno and
Giuseppe Titomanlio at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Palermo, the little story of polymer research in Palermo begun. Almost without noticing it, and always with the same enthusiasm, these first forty years have passed, years where the research fields have continuously enlarged and diversified in full accordance with the international research trends: from rheological works (in particular the work focused on the elongational flow), to processing, polymer blends and LCPs, from thermomechanical and photoxidative degradation to recycling (one the first groups active in this field), from polymer-radiations interactions to polymer solidification kinetics, from composites, to nanocomposites, biodegradable polymers and tissue engineering scaffolds. In time, collaboration with prestigious national and international research groups helped us to grow. A work roughly summarized in several books, hundreds of papers and meeting presentations, many plenary lectures and keynotes which testify the esteem and the affection of the scientific community. Esteem and affection shown also by the point that the Group was chosen to organize several (and crowded!) national and international meetings (even though this may be due especially to Palermo’s charm!). However, the same affection is shown by all those Companies – especially from Sicily - with whom we had fruitful and interesting collaboration and that have funded a significant part of our research activity.
After forty years, those first young guys, who enthusiastically started studying those “strange things” which rheology and viscoelasticity are, are going to retire, and others, young and less young, with the same enthusiasm, are going to start the path of more forty years.
We wanted to utilize this symbolic date to gather all those who guided us and stood by us in these decades: let us celebrate together and remember years of hard work, but always pleasant and made glad by many friends.

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Week of Rheology
Data Evento: 2009-08-17 00:00:00  (Evento Terminato)
Luogo: Reykjavik, Iceland

Rheo Iceland 2009 combines 2 conferences and 2 courses to "The Week of Rheology": the Rilem International Symposium on Rheology of Cement Suspensions such as fresh Concrete and the 18th Nordic Rheology Conference on suspension rheology. The development of rheology of cement based materials has been substantial during the last decade, as the building industry has welcomed it to be a long needed solution for different conditions. There are always new dispersing additives coming on the market, or for that reason different types of materials, like shrinkage reducing admixture (SRA).

Stabilizers are a good example for the need of rheology as they have even been named viscosity enhancing agents, but some even reduce viscosity (or at least the plastic viscosity) as others might have no significant influence or even as expected, increase the viscosity. The Kyoto protocol might greatly influence the quality of cement in nearest future, in particular regarding the cement admixture interaction problems. By combining the two conferences the participants will have unique opportunitiy to explore different specific subjects since the Rilem participants will have access to the NRC conference and vice versa. Both conferences will share the invited lectures during the opening lectures. The conferences will be held in Reykjavik, Iceland

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ISFRS 2009 - The International Symposium on Food Rheology and Structure
Data Evento: 2009-06-15 00:00:00  (Evento Terminato)
Luogo: Zurich (Switzerland)

The International Symposium on Food Rheology and Structure (ISFRS) is hosted by the
Institute of Food Science and Nutrition at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
(ETH Zürich) in Zürich/Switzerland every three years.
The 5th International Symposium on Food Rheology and Structure (ISFRS 2009) will be
held on June 15-18, 2009. The meeting is focusing on the rheology and structure of
food materials from the molecular to the macroscopic level and the complexity that
arises from material properties, engineering, and food quality and perception.
An overview of the state of the art and a detailed focus on recent problem areas are
given by the opening lecture and several keynote lectures that are presented by wellknown
scientists. Oral and poster contributions are organized in individual symposium
sessions grouped around the introduced research topics in food rheology and structure.
All papers presented at the 2009 meeting will be published in the conference proceedings
that will be available at the opening of the symposium in print and CD formats.
A special issue of Applied Rheology is devoted to the 2009 symposium. Proposed contributions
are subject to evaluation by the Scientific Committee and to peer review.

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AERC 2009 - 5th Annual European Rheology Conference 2009
Data Evento: 2009-04-15 00:00:00  (Evento Terminato)
Luogo: Cardiff (UK)

AERC 2009 wiil be held in Cardiff, the capital city of Wales. The aim of AERC 2009 is to contribute to the advancement of Rheology by bringing together interested researchers from Europe and the rest of the world, and bridging traditional themes with modern trends.
Following the tradition of previous European Rheology meetings, AERC 2009 will be a three day conference split into symposia that reflect mainstream or emerging areas of Rheology. There will be minisymposia on blends, copolymers and nanocomposites; process modelling; rheometry and beyond: advanced experimental methods; interfacial phenomena, surfactants and foams; suspensions and colloids; viscoplasticity, solids rheology; biopolymers, biorheology and food rheology; constitutive modelling; non-Newtonian fluid mechanics; computational modelling; flow-induced phase transitions and instabilities; industrial rheology and processing.
Plenary Speakers
Christian Bailly (Universite catholique de Louvain, Belgium)
Jae Hyun (Korea University, Korea)
Gareth McKinley (Massachussetts Institute of Technology, USA)
In addition, the meeting will include the 2009 Weissenberg Award Lecture and the 2009 BSR Gold Medal Lectures.

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Aggiornamenti in emoreologia dal laboratorio alla clinica
Data Evento: 2008-12-03 00:00:00  (Evento Terminato)
Luogo: Istituto Superiore di Sanità

Il workshop, patrocinato dalla Società Italiana di Reologia e dalla Società Italiana di Emoreologia Clinica e Microcircolazione, presenta gli attuali avanzamenti nel settore dell'emoreologia.

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Scuola di Reologia Ceramica
Data Evento: 2008-11-25 00:00:00  (Evento Terminato)
Luogo: Sassuolo (MO)

Il Corso è rivolto a tutti coloro che, in qualità di ricercatori e di tecnici, si occupano di argomenti e problemi riguardanti la reologia di sistemi ceramici, sia in campo industriale sia in campo accademico, dalla ricerca e sviluppo di processi e prodotti al controllo qualità.
Il Corso è stato programmato con l’intenzione di illustrare ai partecipanti i concetti fondamentali della reologia, i principi che governano le misure reologiche e la loro applicazione per la risoluzione di problemi specifici.
Particolare enfasi verrà posta sulle tecniche di misura, sul trattamento e l’interpretazione dei dati sperimentali. Il programma è suddiviso in una sezione dedicata agli aspetti teorici di base della reologia e in una prettamente pratica di laboratorio che saranno eseguite con strumenti commerciali forniti dalle principali ditte costruttrici.
Il Corso è organizzato congiuntamente dalla Società Italiana di Reologia e dalla Società Ceramica Italiana.
Le attività didattiche si svolgeranno presso la struttura del Centro Ceramico di Sassuolo (MO).
Al termine dei lavori verrà rilasciato un attestato di partecipazione al Corso.

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TOP Times of Polymers and Composites
Data Evento: 2008-09-21 00:00:00  (Evento Terminato)
Luogo: Ischia, Italy

TOP is an evolving, dynamic conference that embraces cutting edge research topics and emerging scientists. It was thought having as a primary objective the meeting of a number of scientists working within the area of timescales of polymers, conceived as the background driving force for the progress of knowledge in many field of Polymer Science. For this reason the TOP Conference had sessions on various topics including Viscoelasticity, Adhesion, Processing, Transport phenomena, Tissue Engineering, Fracture and Yielding, Sensors, Thin films, Cultural Heritage, Biopolymers, Durability of Polymers and Composites, Nano-Composites. In the last edition (held on June 2006) 150 delegates were registered at conference desk; the program consisted in a total of 70 oral presentations (including the plenary lecture and five invited lectures) plus 60 poster contributions. Such a good response together with the presence of many young scientists were taken as good arguments to consider the replica of the Conference. The 4th International Conference on "Times of Polymers-TOP and Composites" will be held in Ischia (September 21-24, 2008) at Hotel Continental Terme.
Contributed papers for oral and poster presentation will be chosen on the basis of scientific interest and homogeneity with the conference topics. Discussion leaders, who are experts themselves in the field, will direct discussion during the sessions.
Proposed papers title and abstract (2 pages and 1 figure) are requested.
International Journals agreed for the publication of the selected manuscripts.

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Convegno Gricu 2008 - Ingegneria Chimica: Le nuove sfide
Data Evento: 2008-09-14 00:00:00  (Evento Terminato)
Luogo: Le Castella (KR)

Il Gruppo di Ingegneria Chimica dell’Università (GR.I.C.U.) ha, tra le sue finalità, la promozione e lo sviluppo di attività e di ricerche nel settore dell’Ingegneria Chimica. Il “Convegno GR.I.C.U.” rappresenta, oramai, un tradizionale momento di incontro e di confronto tra i ricercatori e i docenti dell’Ingegneria Chimica Italiana. Il principale obiettivo del Convegno 2008 è quello di fornire un quadro dettagliato del livello scientifico raggiunto nei vari settori dell’Ingegneria Chimica. Particolare attenzione sarà inoltre posta al ruolo che le conoscenze e le metodologie caratteristiche dell’Ingegneria Chimica rivestono nell’interazione con settori ed aree affini. Il Convegno GR.I.C.U. 2008 si articolerà in lezioni plenarie tenute da eminenti studiosi italiani e stranieri e in specifici symposia che si svilupperanno in tre sessioni parallele.

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The XV International Congress on Rheology
Data Evento: 2008-08-03 00:00:00  (Evento Terminato)
Luogo: Monterey, California

The Society of Rheology invites you to participate in the XVth International Congress on Rheology, which will take place in Monterey, California from August 3 to August 8, 2008.The Congress convenes every four years and brings together the world’s leading rheologists to present the latest advances and developments in this field. The Congress will include plenary lectures by eminent rheologists and each of the symposia will be introduced by invited keynote lecturers, one of which will be reserved for the Bingham medal recipient. In addition to the technical program, an active social program is planned which will introduce the participants to the wonderful attractions of the coastal environs of Northern California. Prospective contributors to the Congress are requested to send their contributions directly to the mini-symposia organizers using the conference website, proposed symposia topics are: Polymer melts, Polymer solutions, Computational rheology, Suspensions and colloids, Foams, emulsions and surfactants, Interfacial rheology, microfluidics, and single molecule methods, Granular materials, Solids rheology and composites, Non-Newtonian fluid mechanics, Rheometry and related physical techniques, Microstructural modelling, Flow instabilities, Pharmaceuticals, cosmetics and foods, Process engineering

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9° Convegno Nazionale AIMAT
Data Evento: 2008-06-29 00:00:00  (Evento Terminato)
Luogo: Piano di Sorrento

I materiali di interesse per l’ingegneria hanno avuto negli ultimi anni un notevole sviluppo grazie soprattutto alla ricerca che permette di soddisfare la crescente richiesta di innovazione tecnologica. Il nostro paese contribuisce sempre più a tale sviluppo, soprattutto in alcuni settori specifici per i quali ben si colloca nel panorama internazionale. I convegni AIMAT rappresentano il momento di incontro di studiosi e ricercatori che si occupano di scienza e tecnologia dei materiali e hanno come finalità quella di presentare i più recenti sviluppi della ricerca svolta in Italia e non solo. In questo quadro, come è ormai tradizione, il Convegno accoglie contributi orali e poster inerenti a:
Biomateriali/Materiali per applicazioni biomedicali
Materiali polimerici
Materiali compositi
Materiali ceramici e vetri
Materiali leganti, malte e calcestruzzi
Materiali metallici e metallurgia
Materiali porosi e nanostrutturati
Materiali e ambiente
Materiali e beni culturali

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The 2008 Annual Meeting of the Polymer Processing Society
Data Evento: 2008-06-15 00:00:00  (Evento Terminato)
Luogo: Salerno, Italy

The Polymer Processing Society was founded in March 1985 at the University of Akron, Ohio, USA; the intent was to provide a mechanism and format for interaction and presentation of research results in the international polymer processing community; the goals are to foster scientific understanding and technical innovation in polymer processing by providing a discussion forum for the worldwide community of Engineers and Scientists in the field. The thematic range encompasses all formulation, conversion and shaping operations applied to polymeric system in the transformation from their monomeric forms to commercial products. Membership in PPS is open to all researchers in the field, and to all persons who feel the activities of the society advance their professional development.

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X Convegno Nazionale di Reologia
Data Evento: 2008-05-18 00:00:00  (Evento Terminato)
Luogo: Ravenna, Italia

La Società Italiana di Reologia ha tra i suoi scopi sociali la promozione delle attività nel campo della reologia, favorendo lo sviluppo di contatti e collaborazioni tra le istituzioni universitarie e la realtà industriale. Uno degli strumenti più proficui per raggiungere questo scopo è rappresentato dal Convegno Nazionale di Reologia che costituisce l’occasione di incontro tra ricercatori e tecnici provenienti sia dal mondo industriale che da quello accademico, operanti a livello nazionale nel settore della reologia. Il Convegno Nazionale, inoltre, costituisce un momento di confronto particolarmente utile per i giovani ricercatori che hanno la possibilità di discutere e presentare i risultati delle ricerche condotte nelle varie sedi.
Il principale obiettivo di questo incontro è quello di mostrare il livello scientifico raggiunto nei vari settori della reologia in Italia, favorendo l’integrazione tra diverse tematiche. La SIR ha da tempo “istituzionalizzato” questo momento di dialogo organizzando tale evento con cadenza biennale.
La sede scelta per il X Convegno Nazionale è Ravenna, incontro tra romanitas e barbaritas, capitale occidentale del mosaico e città d’arte situata sulla riviera adriatica a circa 70 km da Bologna. Il Congresso avrà luogo dal 18 al 21 Maggio 2008.

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The Rheology of Foams and Emulsions
Data Evento: 2007-12-10 00:00:00  (Evento Terminato)
Luogo: Royal School of Mines, Imperial College London (United Kingdom)

This year's BSR Midwinter Meeting will be held at Imperial College London. The subject is the Rheology of Foams and Emulsions, with the aim of show-casing the best and most topical work on foams, emulsions and related high-interface systems. The meeting will run from lunchtime on Monday (lunch provided) until lunchtime on Tuesday.

Keynote speakers include Prof. Denis Weaire (School of Physics, Trinity College Dublin), Prof. Jan Cilliers (Department of Earth Science and Engineering, Imperial), Dr. Phillippe Marmottant (Laboratoire Spectrometrie Physique, Grenoble) and Dr. Pete Wilde (Institute for Food Research, Norwich). The BSR Gold Medal and Vernon Harrison PhD Prize will also be presented during the meeting.

Contributions are now solicited for oral and poster presentation. Oral presentations will be allocated 20 minutes including time for questions. Poster presentations will be viewable throughout the meeting. Please send
a title and an abstract of no more than 250 words to Simon Cox at the address below by 12th October, stating your preference for oral/poster presentation. A reduced conference fee is offered to delegates booking before 1st November.

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Workshop on plasticity: from theory to application
Data Evento: 2007-10-14 00:00:00  (Evento Terminato)
Luogo: Monte Verità (Tessin, Switzerland).

Following a successful kick-off conference in Banff in 2005, the second Visco-plastic fluids conference is approaching rapidly. This is to be held in Monte Verita, Switzerland, 14-18 October, 2007, and is organised by Christophe Ancey (EPFL), Neil Balmforth (UBC), and Ian Friggard (UBC): see for details. As for the first workshop, we would like to cover a broad range of theory and applications. We would like to invite you to participate in what promises to be a high quality scientific meeting, coincidentally set high in the Italian part of the Swiss Alps in a fabulously beautiful setting.
Visco-plastic specialities from the region include a large number of avalanches and mudslides, a molten chocolate dam-break, various fondue exploits and the puzzling distribution of the bubbles in Swiss cheese. Abstracts on other plasticity problems are also encouraged.

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Biofoams 2007
Data Evento: 2007-09-26 00:00:00  (Evento Terminato)
Luogo: Capri, Italy

The main objective of the BIOFOAM conference is to provide an international forum for presenting fundamental aspects of current developments and future directions for research and applications in foaming technologies involving biomaterials. This conference will bring together experts in a selected group of topics that encompass biodegradable foams, foams in medicine and edible foams (food and non food applications). The goal is to provide a broader context of scientific exchange along with the themes of material properties, processes, equipments and foaming agents, modeling, structure and properties of BIOFOAMS. The conference will also highlight new developments in the field of nanoscience related to biofoams. The BIOFOAM conference will be held on September 26-28, 2007 for 3 days in Capri. The conference structure, the diversity of the attendees and the careful selection of participants from industrial and academic organizations are expected to contribute significantly to achieve the objective of identifying problems and to promote scientific discussion and further collaborative research projects.

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Polymer Blends - 9th European Symposium
Data Evento: 2007-09-09 00:00:00  (Evento Terminato)
Luogo: Palermo

Topics - Generation and control of phase morphology, both by theoretical and experimental approach, and numerical simulation - Reactive processing (compatibilisation, crosslinking, chemistry of the melt state) - Interfaces and interphases: control, characterisation, modelling - Structure-properties relationships - Specific polymer blends and their applications - Recycling of polymer blends - Nanofilled polymer blends

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Novel Trends in Rheology II
Data Evento: 2007-08-14 00:00:00  (Evento Terminato)
Luogo: Zlin, Czech Republic

Polymer Centre, Faculty of Technology, Tomas Bata University in Zlin in cooperation with Czech Group of Rheology, which belongs to the Czech Chemical Society, and Society of Plastics Engineers (SPE) will organize international conference focused on novel trends in rheology of complex fluids and polymer processing

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ECLC 2007 - 9th European Conference on Liquid Crystals
Data Evento: 2007-07-02 00:00:00  (Evento Terminato)
Luogo: Lisbon, Portugal

Dear Colleague,
On behalf of the Organizing Committee, I am pleased to invite you to participate in the 9th European Conference on Liquid Crystals and related topics, to be held in Lisbon, Portugal, July 2- 6, 2007.
This conference is intended to provide a forum for all those who are active in any field of Liquid Crystals Science and Technology, and related topics, to meet and exchange ideas. In spite of the European character of the ECLC, there is no restriction on the attendance of delegates from all over the world. Young scientists are strongly encouraged to participate.
The ECLC used to be a winter conference. We chose to organize the ECLC 2007 in summer, instead, to increase the time gap from the ILCC and to take advantage of the fact that sun, not snow, is the main ingredient of Portuguese climate. Lisbon is known for its luminosity; the light, the unique atmosphere and the climate offer a marvellous environment to make the ECLC 2007 a fruitful and memorable event.
The Scientific Program will include an opening lecture, a number of plenary, keynote and invited lectures by distinguished scientists highlighting selected topics and new developments in the field, and contributed oral and poster communications. An exhibition area will be provided for LC related companies to display and demonstrate their products and the latest technical advances in the field.
Social and cultural events, as well as a conference excursion and dinner, will be arranged for participants and for accompanying persons.
I am looking forward to meeting you in Lisbon.
Prof. Assis F. Martins
Conference Chairman

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EPF 2007 - European Polymer Congress
Data Evento: 2007-07-02 00:00:00  (Evento Terminato)
Luogo: Portorose, Slovenia

The European Polymer Congress is a biannual event that has attracted up to 800 participants attending the event. Conferences have been previously held in France, England, Italy, Germany, Switzerland, Greece, Poland, the Netherlands and Sweden, with the last European Polymer Congress in 2005 being held in Moscow, Russia.
The European Polymer Congress 2007 (EPF-2007) will last for five days and will cover all key areas in the field of polymer science. EPF-2007 aims to bring together a wide range of polymer scientists, researchers, students and other relevant participants. More than 600 participants from all over the world are expected to attend the congress, where eight main sessions will be covered by around 80 renowned lecturers. The congress will offer an excellent opportunity for in-depth discussion between scientists, engineers and leading experts on all major cutting-edge topics of polymer science and is therefore a “must” for everybody in the scientific field of polymers. There will be plenary lectures (45 minutes), invited lectures (30 minutes including discussion), oral contributions (20 minutes including discussion) as well as a poster session. A special session will be dedicated to the memory of Victor Kabanov. A round table on polymer education will also be organized.

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Eupoc 2007 - Europolymer Conference 2007
Data Evento: 2007-05-27 00:00:00  (Evento Terminato)
Luogo: Gargnano, Lake Garda, Italy

This EUPOC conference will bring together experts in a selected group of topics that encompass novel complex macromolecular architectures, rheology and process modeling. The goal is to provide a broader context of scientific exchange along the themes of complex molecular assemblies, multiphase polymer systems, composite and nanocomposite materials, reactive systems, numerical simulation of flow behavior in polymer processing. Presentations will examine common issues from macromolecular structure to process modeling through rheology and morphological control. In particular, the role of detailed macromolecular architectures, multiphase systems including surfaces and interfaces, fillers and nanofillers as well as reactive systems on the rheological behavior to the various aspects of process modeling will be explored

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4th Annual European Rheology Conference
Data Evento: 2007-04-12 00:00:00  (Evento Terminato)
Luogo: Napoli (Italy)

The aim of AERC 2007 is to contribute to the advancement of Rheology by bringing together interested researchers from Europe and the rest of the world, and bridging traditional themes with modern trends.
Following the tradition of European Rheology meetings, AERC 2007 will be a 3-day conference split into symposia that reflect mainstream or emerging areas of Rheology.

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Food Rheology - European Society of Rheology short course
Data Evento: 2007-04-10 00:00:00  (Evento Terminato)
Luogo: Napoli

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Rheological modelling of structured liquids - European Society of Rheology short course
Data Evento: 2007-04-10 00:00:00  (Evento Terminato)
Luogo: Napoli

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VII Scuola di Reologia - Corso di formazione e aggiornamento per ricercatori e tecnici industriali
Data Evento: 2007-01-22 00:00:00  (Evento Terminato)
Luogo: Mantova

Il Corso è rivolto a tutti coloro che, in qualità di ricercatori e di tecnici, si occupano di argomenti e problemi riguardanti la reologia, sia in campo industriale, dalla ricerca e sviluppo di processi e prodotti al controllo qualità, sia in campo accademico. Il Corso è stato programmato con l’intenzione di illustrare ai partecipanti i concetti fondamentali della reologia, i principi che governano le misure reologiche e la loro applicazione per la risoluzione di problemi specifici. Particolare enfasi verrà posta sulle tecniche di misura e sul trattamento e l’interpretazione dei dati sperimentali. A tal fine il programma comprende l’analisi di una serie di casi risolti, nel campo dei polimeri e dei sistemi dispersi, e l’esame diretto di altri, anche su suggerimento dei partecipanti, nel corso di prove pratiche che saranno eseguite con reometri commerciali forniti dalle principali ditte costruttrici.
Il Corso è organizzato dalla Società Italiana di Reologia in collaborazione con Polimeri Europa. I lavori si svolgeranno presso le strutture dello stabilimento Polimeri Europa di Mantova. Al termine dei lavori verrà rilasciato un attestato di partecipazione al corso.

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PIAM Winter School - Injection Moulding of polymer
Data Evento: 2007-01-15 00:00:00  (Evento Terminato)
Luogo: Aussois - France

The PIAM (Polymer Injection Advanced Moulding)Coordination Action gathers European experts involved in all aspects of the injection moulding process (processing, material science, physical and numerical modelling, mechanical properties…).
These experts belong to 23 academic and industrial research centres, but also to technological research centres which are closely connected to SME, from 10 countries.
It was launched in March 2004, for 4 years. The PIAM Winter School is one of the dissemination tools of PIAM, aiming to cover the last developments of injection moulding, from rheological aspect to component properties, through structure development and numerical simulation. This course is intended to engineers and researchers in the field of polymer processing.Some knowledge on polymer physics, continuum mechanics are necessary.

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Reologia Applicata alla ceramica
Data Evento: 2006-09-28 00:00:00  (Evento Terminato)
Luogo: Rimini

Il convegno si occupa dell’applicazione della reologia nel settore ceramico; nel corso dell’evento sarà presentato il manuale tecnico “Reologia applicata alla ceramica”. Dopo l’uscita nel 2003 del Manuale “Colore, pigmenti e colorazione in ceramica”, Società Ceramica Italiana, in collaborazione con ACIMAC, ha realizzato un nuovo Volume dal titolo “Reologia applicata alla ceramica (Teoria e pratica)” che fa il punto su una tematica tecnica di grande attualità. Gli aspetti reologici risultano di grande interesse nel settore ceramico, ma troppo spesso non vengano affrontati con le dovute metodologie d’indagine. In questo senso il Manuale vuole rimarcare a tutti gli operatori del settore l’importanza di inquadrare correttamente una materia così significativa nel contesto produttivo ceramico, fornendo tutti gli strumenti (teorici e pratici) per un approfondimento culturale, per la ricerca di laboratorio e per la corretta soluzione dei problemi industriali. In occasione della presentazione del volume, Società Ceramica Italiana e ACIMAC hanno ritenuto importante procedere ad alcuni approfondimenti specifici inerenti alcuni degli argomenti trattati nel Manuale. Alcuni degli autori ed Esperti del settore parleranno dell’importanza che la reologia riveste nella pratica quotidiana, sia nel campo della ricerca, sia nello studio e sviluppo di nuove produzioni ceramiche, sia nella gestione e nel controllo del processo produttivo. Il nuovo Manuale “Reologia applicata alla ceramica” tiene conto e affronta tutti questi aspetti.

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SASOR 2006: 1st Southern African Conference on Rheology
Data Evento: 2006-09-24 00:00:00  (Evento Terminato)
Luogo: The Cape Peninsula University of Technology, Cape Town (South Africa)

The Southern African Society of Rheology (SASOR) will hosts its 1st Conference on Rheology in Cape Town, South Africa from 24-27 September 2006, followed by a two-day course on Rheology and Engineering Applications of Multi-Component Systems, 28-29 September 2006.

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IX Convegno Nazionale di Reologia
Data Evento: 2006-09-20 00:00:00  (Evento Terminato)
Luogo: Tropea (Vibo Valentia)

La Società Italiana di Reologia ha tra i suoi scopi sociali la promozione delle attività nel campo della reologia, favorendo lo sviluppo di contatti e collaborazioni tra le istituzioni universitarie e la realtà industriale. Uno degli strumenti più proficui per raggiungere questo scopo è rappresentato dal Convegno Nazionale di Reologia che costituisce l’occasione di incontro tra ricercatori e tecnici provenienti sia dal mondo industriale che da quello accademico, operanti a livello nazionale nel settore della reologia. Il Convegno Nazionale, inoltre, costituisce un momento di confronto particolarmente utile per i giovani ricercatori che hanno la possibilità di discutere e presentare i risultati delle ricerche condotte nelle varie sedi.
Il principale obiettivo di questo incontro è quello di mostrare il livello scientifico raggiunto nei vari settori della reologia in Italia, favorendo l’integrazione tra diverse tematiche.
La SIR ha da tempo “istituzionalizzato” questo momento di dialogo organizzando tale evento con cadenza biennale. Quest’anno la sede scelta per il IX Convegno Nazionale è Zambrone, una località sulla costa calabrese situata ad 8 km da Tropea , dal 20 al 23 settembre 2006.

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Vinogradov Society 23th Symposium on Rheology
Data Evento: 2006-06-19 00:00:00  (Evento Terminato)
Luogo: Resort “Valday” in the Northwest part of Russia

The XXIII International Symposium on Rheology will take place on 19 - 24 June 2006 at the resort “Valday” in the Northwest part of Russia

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Amherst Rheology Course
Data Evento: 2006-06-01 00:00:00  (Evento Terminato)
Luogo: Amherst, Massachusetts, USA

The third Amherst Rheology Course (ARC 2006) has the theme "Synergy Between Experiments and Theory in Rheology". The course will be held in Amherst, Massachusetts, on June 1-2, 2006. Lecturers are Ronald Larson, Marian Mours, Jonathan Rothstein, and H. Henning Winter. They will introduce basic concepts (experiments, theory) of rheology and also perform tutorials with the entire group. The teaching tool for the tutorials is the IRIS program, a computer platform for integrating experiments with theory in rheology. The most advanced IRIS includes access to the hierarchical model of polymer dynamics of Larson and coworkers as well as access to the model of Nobile and Cocchini for calculating molecular weight distribution from G', and G" data. Participants will receive a license for the basic IRIS program.

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3rd Annual European Rheology Conference
Data Evento: 2006-04-27 00:00:00  (Evento Terminato)
Luogo: Hersonissos, Crete

The aim of AERC 2006 is to contribute to the advancement of Rheology by bringing together interested researchers from Europe and the rest of the world,and bridging traditional themes with modern trends. The meeting will focus on the presentation of high-quality scientific works in a format that encourages
lively discussions for the promotion of knowledge.

Following the tradition of European Rheology meetings, AERC 2006 will be a 3-day conference split into symposia that reflect mainstream or emerging areas of Rheology. The organizing committee is in charge of the local arrangements as well as the overall programme, which will consist of plenary, keynote and oral (in 5 parallel sessions), and poster presentations. Each symposium is organized by two chairpersons who are in charge of the scientific programme. Abstract submission and registration will be done electronically via the web.

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European Society of Rheology Short Course
Data Evento: 2006-04-25 00:00:00  (Evento Terminato)
Luogo: Hersonisos, Crete

The European Society of Rheology is organizing short courses on specific topics, in conjunction with its Annual meetings. The Third Annual Meeting, AERC 2006, will be held in Hersonisos, Crete, Greece, April 26-29, 2006. These courses are addressed to students and professionals alike, who wish to focus and/or be updated on specific rheological topics.

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The International Symposium on Food Rheology and Structure
Data Evento: 2006-02-19 00:00:00  (Evento Terminato)
Luogo: Zurich (Switzerland)

The 4th International Symposium on Food Rheology and Structure - ISFRS 2006 addresses the needs of food rheology and structure researchers. The symposium is devoted to rheology of food and related systems, to food structure and structure analysis, and to the complex relationship between food processing, structure, rheology and resulting food quality.

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Emoreologia: Fisiopatologia e Clinica
Data Evento: 2005-11-11 00:00:00  (Evento Terminato)
Luogo: Istituto Superiore di sanità, Roma, Italia

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Reologia dei Prodotti vernicianti
Data Evento: 2005-06-15 00:00:00  (Evento Terminato)
Luogo: Alessandria

Il convegno, organizzato dal consorzio PROCOAT, con la partecipazione della Società Italiana di Reologia, è dedicato alla reologia dei prodotti vernicianti ed è indirizzato ai tecnici ed ai ricercatori che si occupano dei problemi connessi alla produzione ed all’applicazione di pitture e vernici su scala industriale. Nel caso dei prodotti vernicianti la reologia svolge un ruolo importante, e spesso determinante, in diversi stadi del processo produttivo e nelle fasi di applicazione e filmazione del prodotto. Dall’uso di adeguati protocolli sperimentali e dal confronto dei risultati con approcci e modelli disponibili in letteratura è possibile derivare criteri razionali per la formulazione del prodotto, per il controllo del processo di dispersione di pigmenti e cariche, della miscelazione o della diluizione di paste concentrate, per la risoluzione dei problemi di trasporto, per lo studio della cinetica di indurimento di sistemi reticolanti.
Il convegno vuole contribuire a favorire l’interazione tra il mondo universitario e quello industriale, ed un’efficace integrazione reciproca delle conoscenze scientifiche con le esigenze tecnologiche ed applicative, in conformità con le linee di indirizzo del consorzio PROCOAT.

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AERC 2005
Data Evento: 2005-04-21 00:00:00  (Evento Terminato)
Luogo: Grenoble - France

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Reologia e stampaggio a iniezione di polimeri
Data Evento: 2005-03-14 00:00:00  (Evento Terminato)
Luogo: Centro di cultura per l’ingegneria delle materie plastiche
Viale T. Michel, 5 – 15100 Alessandria

Nel campo dei materiali termoplastici lo stampaggio a iniezione rappresenta uno dei processi più significativi.
La progettazione, la realizzazione e l’esercizio di tale processo sono strettamente legati alla conoscenza del comportamento del materiale polimerico, e in particolare alla sua reologia.
Lo scopo fondamentale di questa giornata tecnologica dell’AIM, organizzata in collaborazione con la Società Italiana di Reologia, è appunto quello di presentare gli aspetti fondamentali del comportamento reologico dei materiali polimerici termoplastici, e di stabilire i legami tra tale comportamento e le condizioni di processo.
Nella prima parte della giornata verranno discussi aspetti di base quali la misura delle proprietà reologiche di polimeri e i fondamenti del processo di stampaggio a iniezione.
Nella seconda parte si darà spazio agli aspetti progettuali, con particolare riferimento alla simulazione numerica del processo di stampaggio, e alle applicazioni. Copia su CD delle presentazioni sarà inviata ai partecipanti.

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VI Scuola di Reologia - Corso di formazione e aggiornamento per ricercatori e tecnici industriali
Data Evento: 2005-01-24 00:00:00  (Evento Terminato)
Luogo: S. Donato MIlanese (MI)

Il Corso è rivolto a tutti coloro che, in qualità di ricercatori e di tecnici, si occupano di argomenti e problemi riguardanti la reologia, sia in campo industriale, dalla ricerca e sviluppo di processi e prodotti al controllo qualità, sia in altri settori quali quello biomedico, nello studio e nel controllo di fluidi biologici.
Il Corso è stato programmato con l’intenzione di illustrare ai partecipanti i concetti fondamentali della reologia, i principi che governano le misure reologiche e la loro applicazione per la risoluzione di problemi di ordine pratico. Il programma comprende l’analisi di una serie di casi risolti, nel campo dei polimeri e dei sistemi dispersi, e l’esame diretto di altri, anche su suggerimento dei partecipanti, nel corso di prove pratiche da eseguire in laboratorio, utilizzando i reometri commerciali messi a disposizione dalle principali ditte costruttrici.
Il Corso è organizzato dalla Società Italiana di Reologia e da EniTecnologie ed Eni Corporate University
I lavori si svolgeranno a San Donato Milanese presso le strutture di Eni Corporate University ed i laboratori di EniTecnologie.

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XIVth International Congress on Rheology
Data Evento: 2004-08-22 00:00:00  (Evento Terminato)
Luogo: COEX Convention Center, Seoul, Korea

Every four years, rheologists around the world gather together to report, discuss and celebrate progress made in the global community of rheology. Next upcoming conference will be in Seoul, Korea in 2004. The contents of most talks we'll have in Seoul may be largely the same as before and most of the faces of the participants will be just as familiar. But the theme should and will be a little different and a bit more future-directed, since as we all know, the ICR2004 will be the first global rheology meeting of the 21st century. Perhaps the theme and tones that better reflect the direction of our civilization will be more pertinent.Authors are invited to submit abstracts (each not exceeding 300 words) for either oral presentations or poster presentations. Abstracts should be submitted to the Congress Secretariat no later than September 30, 2003. Registration can be done on line. More information in the offcial web site.

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II International Conference on Times of Polymers
Data Evento: 2004-06-20 00:00:00  (Evento Terminato)
Luogo: Hotel Continental Terme , Via Mazzella, 74, 80077 ISCHIA , Italy

The form of the conference allows invited presentations as well as contributions from participants. Contributed papers for oral and poster presentation will be chosen on the basis of scientific interest and homogeneity with the conference topics. Discussion leaders, who are experts themselves in the field, will direct discussion towards constructive conclusions.

The total number of participants including speakers will be restricted to a maximum of 100 people.

Proposed papers title and short abstract (250 words) are requested.

International Journals agreed for the publication of the selected manuscripts

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La miscelazione nell' industria dei polimeri: principi, tecnologie e applicazioni
Data Evento: 2004-06-11 00:00:00  (Evento Terminato)
Luogo: Università degli Studi Milano Bicocca, 20126 Milano

Per migliorare le caratteristiche e le prestazioni a comportamento dei materiali polimerici è spesso necessario miscelarli con materiali diversi quali ad esempio cariche o fibre.

Lo scopo di questa giornata studio è di offrire una panoramica rigorosa, ma al tempo stesso non eccessivamente specialistica, sulle principali aree tematiche relative a questo argomento.
Verranno discussi aspetti di base quali la termodinamica, la reologia e i meccanismi di dispersione.
Ampio spazio verrà lasciato inoltre ai risvolti applicativi come ad esempio macchine per il compound, software di simulazione, formulazioni rinforzate, esperienze pratiche.
Alcuni contributi, di esperti stranieri del settore, saranno in inglese.
Copia su CD delle presentazioni sarà inviata ai partecipanti.

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VIII Convegno Nazionale di Reologia
Data Evento: 2004-05-18 00:00:00  (Evento Terminato)
Luogo: Sant'Angelo di Ischia

La Società Italiana di Reologia, nell'ambito delle proprie attività istituzionali, cura l'organizzazione di manifestazioni nazionali e internazionali in collaborazione con Società e soggetti istituzionali rappresentativi dei settori applicativi della scienza reologica.

Questo convegno si propone come momento di incontro della comunità reologica italiana per offrire lo stato dell'arte raggiunto nei vari ambiti di interesse dalla Società Italiana di Reologia.

In particolare si possono ricordare le attività legate alla formulazione di teorie fenomenologiche e molecolari, lo sviluppo di strumentazione, la caratterizzazione e lo studio di una estesa varietà di materiali come i polimeri, i prodotti petroliferi, le gomme, le vernici, gli inchiostri, i materiali ceramici e vetrosi, gli alimenti, i materiali biologici e cosmetici.

Tale incontro offre anche la possibilità di sviluppare temi legati alle attività di didattica e formazione rivolte a studenti, ricercatori e tecnologi del mondo industriale.

Per incoraggiare la partecipazione di studenti, borsisti e dottorandi di ricerca è prevista una quota di iscrizione particolarmente vantaggiosa.

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Rheology of complex fluids : Industrial impact
Data Evento: 2003-12-20 00:00:00  (Evento Terminato)
Luogo: Timimoun (Algeria)

The "Laboratoire de Modélisation & d'Optimisation des Systèmes Industriels " (LAMOSI, Oran university) and the "Laboratoire de Mécanique et Technologie " (LMT, ENS-Cachan) will organize a workshop entitled " Rheology of complex fluids : industrial impact ". The prime objective of this workshop is to bring together scientists from academia and industry to promote discussion and exchange on problems related to the flow of complex fluids. Scientists and engineers from various fields (civil, chemical and biomedical engineering, petroleum industry, cosmetics industry, pharmaceuticals, etc.) may be interested, and are invited to participate in this workshop.

The workshop will be held December 20-22 2003 in TIMIMOUN , a beautiful oasis located in the Algerian Sahara (1300 Km southern Algiers). This should promote scientific exchange between the 'North' and the 'South'.

Themes to be covered include the following areas :

-Polymer melts and polymer processing
-Polymer solutions, liquid crystals, surfactants, etc.
-Physical and chemical gels
-Suspensions : Model systems and application to industrial fluids (pastes, petroleum fluids, etc.)
-Flow of granular materials
-Composites and nanocomposites
-Novel rheo-physical measurement techniques
-Numerical methods and application to the flow of complex fluids
-Biological materials
-Flow in confined geometries
-Other related topics

The scientific program of the workshop will spread over 5 half-days. The half-day cessions will start with plenary conferences given by renown rheologists, including : Dr. N. Kherfellah, Pr. A. Poitou, Pr. D. Quemada, Pr. J.F Tassin and Pr. H. Van damme. A half-day will be dedicated to the visit of TIMIMOUN and its surroundings.

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Process Rheology
Data Evento: 2003-11-03 00:00:00  (Evento Terminato)
Luogo: Strathclyde

A short intensive, postexperience levelcourse on Process Rheology will take place at the University of Strathclyde. This will include the principles of rheology, both in general and for specific fluids, and the molecular and structural parameters governing the non Newtonian flow. The objectives of the course are to provide a thorough understanding of the mechanism of flow encountered in processing non Newtonian fluids, the techniques available for characterising these fluids, and the consenquences of fluid rheology in the design of process machinery and the perormance of the final product.

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Adesione, superfici, pulizia e angolo di contatto
Data Evento: 2003-10-22 00:00:00  (Evento Terminato)
Luogo: Sala Convegni Crowne, Plaza Hotel, San Donato Milanese

I fenomeni di adesione giocano un ruolo importante in vari settori tecnologici e industriali quali verniciatura, rivestimenti organici, assiematura strutturale, assiematura componenti elettronici e cosi via.

L'adesione può essere suddivisa fondamentalmente in due categorie: rivestimenti su substrati (esempio verniciatura), incollaggi.

In questo workshop sono trattati entrambi gli aspetti, sono forniti elementi utili per comprendere i fattori che influenzano l'adesione e, soprattutto, sono illustrate alcune modalità per migliorare l'adesione in varie situazioni.

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38th Meeting of the French Group of Rheology
Data Evento: 2003-10-15 00:00:00  (Evento Terminato)
Luogo: Brest

The next GFR annual conference (38th annual GFR meeting) will be held in
Brest 15-17 October 2003. The topic is "Rheology and physical-chemistry of
formulated materials". The aim of the conference is to show the
complementarity between the rheological approach and the physical and
chemical characterizations in designing formulated materials. The objective
is obviously to encourage and to develop exchanges and collaborations
between academic scientists and centres of industrial studies (polymers,
chemistry, biomedical, food science, paintings, chemical engineering…) about
these problems. Indeed, the topics chosen for this meeting are of interest
for the rheologist who wants to better understand the links between the
physical and chemical interactions and the macroscopic behaviours but also
for those who are in charge of formulating a compound in order to obtain a
given property.
We want this meeting to foster exchanges between academic and industrials
communities around the following types of materials :
Polymer solutions and gels
Emulsions and foams
Paste and suspensions
Polymer blends, filled polymers and nanocomposites
Filled elastomers

Systems can be considered from various angles : theory (physical as well as
numerical), experiments (including additional techniques to rheometry)

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International Meeting on Applied Physics (APHYS-2003)
Data Evento: 2003-10-14 00:00:00  (Evento Terminato)
Luogo: Badajoz (Spain)

The Conference will be specifically interested in receiving reports on Interdisciplinar researches relating Physics with other Sciences such as Biology, Chemistry, Information Science, Medicine, etc or relating different Physics areas. In other words, we are specially (but not exclusivelly) interested in reports applying the techniques, the training, and the culture of physics to research areas usually associated with other scientific and engineering disciplines. Papers should at least cover two of the following topics and represent APPLIED research.

- Surfaces, Interfaces and Colloids [more]
- Physical Chemistry [more]
- Nano-sciences and Technologies [more]
- Imaging Techniques, Microscopy [more]
- Biomedical Engineering, Medical/Biological Physics, Health Physics, Biomechanics [more]
- Biophysics, Bio(electro)magnetism, Biophysical Chemistry [more]
- Computational Physics [more], Non-linear Physics [more]
- Engineering and Industrial Physics, Instrumentation, Metrology and Standards
- Applied Solid State Physics/Chemistry and Materials Science and Technology, Advanced Materials [more]
- Semiconductors devices and Photonics, opto-electronics, Quantum Electronics
- Applied Optics, Non-linear optics, Laser Physics, Ultrafast phenomena, Lasers application to Medicine, Chemistry, etc. [more]
- Nuclear Physics/Chemistry, Radioactivity, Radiochemistry, Radiation Safety, ... [more]
- Radiation Physics, Radiation-Matter interaction, Spectroscopies [more]
- Environmental Physics [more]

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Finite Element Modelling in Chemical engineering and Food Engineering
Data Evento: 2003-10-09 00:00:00  (Evento Terminato)
Luogo: Salerno, Italy

The finite element method (FEM) has become familiar to chemical engineers for complex model solving.
FEMo’03 aims to define the state of art of FEM modelling in Food and Chemical Engineering and to provide a platform for researchers to present and discuss recent breakthroughs in this area.
The workshop represents also the chance to awaken operators to mathematical simulation in process industry.

FEMo’03 is organized in three main sessions:

1) divulgate session, introducing FEM to students, researchers and industry operators, held by Prof. Vittorio Romano (University of Salerno – Italy) and Prof. Domenico Acierno (University of
Naples “Federico II” - Italy)

2) plenary session, with two lectures:
Prof. Cristina L. M. Silva (Catholic University of Portugal) will speak on "The role of mathematical modelling in Chemical and Food Engineering studies"
Prof. Brian McKenna (University College Dublin – Ireland) will speak on "FEM frontiers in Food Engineering research"

3) poster session

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9th European School of Rheology
Data Evento: 2003-09-15 00:00:00  (Evento Terminato)
Luogo: Leuven

The Laboratory of Applied Rheology and Polymer Processing of the K.U. Leuven is again hosting the European School of Rheology (September 15-19 2003). This course has been taught successfully at four previous occasions at the K.U. Leuven. Last time, it attracted more than 50 participants, both from industry and academia. In order to make the course attractive and focused on solving industrial problems, several lab sessions are scheduled during the course. The Laboratory of Applied Rheology and Polymer Processing possesses a wide range of rotational, rheo-optical, capillary and extensional instruments that will be used for this purpose. In addition, it has been the tradition that the participants are also offered the opportunity to look at recent developments in commercial instruments and software. For this purpose, most leading instrument manufacturers will be present.

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Annual European Rheology Conference 2003, AERC 2003
Data Evento: 2003-09-11 00:00:00  (Evento Terminato)
Luogo: Polymer Engineering Department - University of Minho, Guimarães (Portugal)

The aim of AERC 2003 is to contribute to the advancement of Rheology in Europe, by bringing together researchers in a meeting of broad scientific scope, focussed on the presentation of novel, high-quality scientific results.

The AERC 2003 will have a 3-day duration and will be split into topical Symposia, focussed either on mainstream or upcoming areas of Rheology. Each Symposium will have Chairpersons who will be in charge of organising its scientific programme. The conference will have Plenary, Oral (in parallel sessions) and Poster contributions, paper submission and registration being done electronically over the WWW. The submission of recent results will be fostered by keeping the deadline for abstract submission close to that of the conference and in order to promote the presentation of high-quality results, special issues of both Rheologica Acta and Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, containing contributions selected from each Symposium by the respective Chairpersons, will be edited after AERC 2003.

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Scuola di Tecnologie Alimentari
Data Evento: 2003-07-02 00:00:00  (Evento Terminato)
Luogo: Pavan Galliera Veneta (PD)

Il corso - destinato a Direttori e Responsabili produzione, tecnologia, ricerca, qualità dell'industria pastaria - offre un percorso di aggiornamento di alto livello, permettendo ai frequentanti l'acquisizione di strumenti conoscitivi per ottimizzare la gestione degli impianti in termini di redditività, efficacia di funzionamento, sicurezza e qualità del prodotto finito. Il personale docente è composto da ricercatori, tecnologi, tecnici e docenti operanti in centri di eccellenza

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XIIIth International Workshop on Numerical Methods for non-Newtonian Flows
Data Evento: 2003-06-04 00:00:00  (Evento Terminato)
Luogo: Lausanne, Switzerland

The 13th in the series of international workshops on numerical methods for non-Newtonian flows will take place in Lausanne, Switzerland, between lunchtime on the 4th June 2003 and lunchtime on the 7th June 2003.

The idea of the workshop, as with the previous twelve, is to gather computational and experimental rheologists together for 3 days of informal presentations and discussion around the themes of numerical simulation, constitutive modelling and comparison of numerical predictions with experimental data.

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Nordic Rheology Conference 2003
Data Evento: 2003-06-01 00:00:00  (Evento Terminato)
Luogo: Tórshavn, the Faroe Islands

The Nordic Rheology Society cordially invites all those interested in rheology to the 12th annual course and conference. The conference aims, as usual, to cover all aspects of rheology, though special focus will be put on "Suspensions and Emulsions".
The conference venue is the Nordic House in Tórshavn, the Faroe Islands.
A rheology course, on June 1st, preceeds the conference, that commences on June 2nd.
The following invited and plenary speakers will contribute to the course and conference:

David Boger, University of Melbourne
Henning Winter, University of Massachussetts
Arild Saasen, Statoil
Kevin Taylor, Saudi Aramco

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Seminario di reologia sugli elastomeri
Data Evento: 2003-05-15 00:00:00  (Evento Terminato)
Luogo: presso FKV di Sorisole (Bg)

Presentazione di strumenti differenti per ottenere informazioni reologiche su gomme ed elastomeri da angolature divers.
Relatori Dr. Nichetti della Chiorino spa e Il dr Bacchelli della Polimeri Europa divisione Elastomeri di Ravenna
Seminario gratuito con relazioni teoriche e prove pratiche

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3rd International Symposium on Food Rheology and Structure
Data Evento: 2003-02-09 00:00:00  (Evento Terminato)
Luogo: Zurich (Switzerland)

The 3rd International Symposium on Food Rheology and Structure is the single most comprehensive international symposium of its kind, geared to address the needs of food rheology and structure researchers all over the world. The symposium is devoted to rheology of food and related systems, to food structure and structure analysis, and to the complex relationship between food processing, structure, rheology and resulting food quality. Included in the four-day symposium are three full days of oral and poster presentations as part of our technical program, an exhibition on equipment and additives, and an evening reception and dinner, as well as a sight-seeing tour.

The technical program will start on Monday, February 10, 2003 with an opening lecture and will close on Thursday, February 13. The opening, plenary, and several keynote lectures will be presented by well-known scientists introducing research topics in food rheology and structure. All papers will be published in the conference proceedings, which will be available at the opening of the symposium.

We hope that scientists and interested experts from industry from all over the world will endeavor to meet in Zurich, and make this 3rd International Symposium on Food Rheology and Structure a success from a scientific and an industrial point of view.

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V Scuola di Reologia - Corso di formazione e aggiornamento per ricercatori e tecnici industriali
Data Evento: 2003-01-20 00:00:00  (Evento Terminato)
Luogo: EniTecnologie San Donato Milanese (MI)

Il Corso è rivolto a tutti coloro che, in qualità di ricercatori e di tecnici, si occupano di argomenti e problemi riguardanti la reologia, sia in campo industriale, dalla ricerca e sviluppo di processi e prodotti al controllo qualità, sia in altri settori quali quello biomedico, nello studio e nel controllo di fluidi biologici.
Il Corso è stato programmato con l’intenzione di illustrare ai partecipanti i concetti fondamentali della reologia, i principi che governano le misure reologiche e la loro applicazione per la risoluzione di problemi di ordine pratico. Particolare enfasi verrà posta sull’uso ottimale delle tecniche sperimentali e sul trattamento e interpretazione dei dati: a tal fine il programma comprende l’analisi di una serie di casi risolti, nel campo dei polimeri e dei sistemi dispersi, e l’esame diretto di altri, anche su suggerimento dei partecipanti, nel corso di prove pratiche da eseguire in laboratorio, utilizzando i reometri commerciali messi a disposizione dalle principali ditte costruttrici.
Il Corso è organizzato dalla Società Italiana di Reologia e da EniTecnologie.
I lavori si svolgeranno a San Donato Milanese presso i laboratori di EniTecnologie.

Al termine dei lavori verrà rilasciato un attestato di partecipazione al Corso.

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La reologia del sangue: una scienza multidisciplinare
Data Evento: 2002-11-08 00:00:00  (Evento Terminato)
Luogo: Aula Bovet, Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Viale Regina Elena 299 - Roma

La giornata è rivolta a tutti coloro che si occupano di argomenti e problemi riguardanti la reologia del sangue e dei fluidi biologici.
Tale iniziativa, rivolta a clinici, ricercatori, trasfusionisti, farmacologi, ingegneri biochimici, ha lo scopo di far dialogare realtà culturali e lavorative diverse per un reciproco arricchimento scientifico e professionale.
La partecipazione al Workshop è gratuita

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TOP Times of Polymers
Data Evento: 2002-10-20 00:00:00  (Evento Terminato)
Luogo: Ischia (Naples), Italy

The First Conference on Times of Polymers is organised by several Italian groups that deal with Polymer Science.
The conference provides a forum for scientists and engineers throughout the world interested in the timescales of polymer processing and properties.
As "time" is the driving concept in the whole polymer science community (academic and industrial), TOP includes sessions on various topics and provide opportunities for exchanging ideas and opinions on industry-relevant subjects.
The conference program will be focused on the more recent advances in the following topics:
viscoelasticity, Industrial Rheology, durability of polymer based systems, processing, fracture and yielding. The following scientists have already agreed to present lectures: G. Marrucci (Italy), J. Mijovic (USA), G. Papanicolaou (Greece), A. D'Amore (Italy), I. Partridge (UK), D. Acierno (Italy)

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3rd World Congress on Emulsions
Data Evento: 2002-09-24 00:00:00  (Evento Terminato)
Luogo: Lyon, France


In Paris in 1993 and in Bordeaux in 1997, the World Congresses on Emulsions brought together more than 1,000 participants from over 60 countries with 250 papers selected and published.
The participants and the authors of the papers represent very different industrial backgrounds such as the food industry, phytochemical products, plastics, road surfacing, pharmacy, cosmetics, photography, inks, paints, detergents, as well as university researchers.

As international forums, these congresses are designed to advance exchanges between researchers, scientists and engineers from all the different industries around the common theme of emulsions, and to encourage the transfer of technologies and fundamental knowledge in this field.

As in 1993 and in 1997, an exhibition will be organised during the Third Congress together with a poster area : it will offer the opportunity for the delegates to meet and for different industries to demonstrate their most recent developments.

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BSR AGM British Society of Rheology Annual general Meeting
Data Evento: 2002-09-17 00:00:00  (Evento Terminato)
Luogo: London, UK

The Annual General Meeting of the British Society of Rheology will take place at the SCI (Society of Chemical Industry) in London
on Tuesday, the 17th of September 2002.
The meeting will begin with an invited lecture given by Professor Jan Mewis of the K. U. Leuven. followed by the AGM.
There will also be a dinner at a local restaurant for those who wish to attend (at own cost). The meeting itself is free of charge.

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The 6th European Rheology Conference
Data Evento: 2002-09-01 00:00:00  (Evento Terminato)
Luogo: Erwin-Rommel-Str. 60, Erlangen, Bavaria, Germany

The 6th European Conference on Rheology (eurheo 2002), organised by the Institute of Polymer Materials (LSP) in collaboration with the German Society of Rheology (DRG), is held in the tradition of the International Conferences on Rheology and is intended to be a meeting place for everybody working in the different fields of rheology.
We would like to invite you to discuss recent results and exchange ideas with your colleagues from different countries at University Erlangen-Nürnberg.

The following speakers will present invited plenary lectures:

Dr. N. El Kissi (University of Grenoble I, France)
Prof. Dr. O. Hassager (University of Denmark, Denmark)
Dr. G. Peters(Technical University of Eindhoven, The Netherlands)
Dr. N. Willenbacher (BASF AG, Germany)

The following speakers will present invited keynote lectures:

Prof. Dr. I. Emri (University of Ljubljana, Slovenia): Rheology of solids and composits
Prof. Dr. K. Koyama (Yamagata University, Japan):Extensional rheology
Dr. P. Lomellini (Enichem Research Center, Italy): Polymer melts and solutions
Prof. Dr. M. Mackley(University of Cambridge, UK): Rheometry
Prof. Dr. T. McLeish (University of Leeds, UK): Metallocene polymers / Long chain branching
Prof. Dr. J. Mellema(University of Twente, The Netherlands): Foams, emulsions and surfactants
Prof. Dr. J. Mewis (University of Leuven, Belgium): Colloidal and non-colloidal suspensions
Prof. Dr. M. Renardy (University of Virginia, USA): Non-Newtonian fluid mechanics
Prof. Dr. E. Windhab (ETH Zürich, Switzerland): Pharmaceuticals, cosmetics and food

International Scientific Committee

Dr. R. Buscall, ICI, Great Britain
Prof. A.C. Diogo, Institute Superior Tecnico Lisboa, Portugal
Prof. I. Emri, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Prof. R. Gaudu, Université de Bordeaux, France
Prof. C. Gallegos, Universidad de Sevilla, Spain
Prof. V. Kulichikhin, Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia
Prof. R. Lapasin, Universitá di Trieste, Italy
Prof. J.-A. Månson, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland
Prof. H.E.H. Meijer, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands
Prof. E. Mitsoulis, National Technical University of Athens, Greece
Prof. P. Moldenaers, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium
Prof. H. Münstedt, Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany
Prof. J Sesták, University Prague, Czech Republic
Prof. M.H. Wagner, Technical University Berlin, Germany
Prof. K. Walters, University of Wales, Great Britain

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International Symposium on Electrokinetic Phenomena
Data Evento: 2002-08-18 00:00:00  (Evento Terminato)
Luogo: Cracow, Poland

The conference will be held at the Polonia Institute campus beautifully situated at a limestone hill nearby Vistula river.
The place located just midway between downtown Cracow and the international airport (5 km from each site) can easily be reached by public transportation or by car.
Its exceptionally scenic location inside a park, specific microclimate and isolation from the city creates a unique environment for a successful scientific event.
The campus is managed by the Polonia Institute of the Jagiellonian University.

Accommodation for more than 150 people (single, double and triple rooms, each with bathroom) can be found in the hotel section of the campus.
There is also a large conference room fully equipped (about 180 seats) and a number of smaller conference rooms for additional 200 people.
Next to the auditorium one can find a charming coffee-bar called Lennon, an ideal place for coffee breaks.
It should be mentioned that the hotel section and the lecture rooms are located in the same building complex, which facilitates the transfer of people in case when parallel sessions are needed.
Due to exceptional atmosphere more than 20 conferences take place at the campus each year.
Within the campus, just five minutes walk from the hotel, there is a restaurant U Ziyada located in a former castle, famous for its fine food and marvellous panoramic view over the Vistula valley and the Tatra mountains.
The restaurant can host simultaneously more than 200 people.
Both the welcome party, breakfasts and lunches will be served there.
Additionally, in the castle cellars one can find a romantic cafeteria just inviting for informal scientific discussions.
Additional hotel rooms located in the castle should be available soon.

The Conference fee is estimated to be about

$ 700 (regular fee)
$ 400 (accompanying persons)

this special package price will include four night accommodation (within the campus in fully equipped rooms, each with bathroom), welcome party, social events, breakfasts, lunches, coffee breaks, snacks during poster sessions and all conference materials.
There will be a certain number of reduced fees available for students and scientists from post-communist countries.
For those who chose to stay in top quality hotels (downtown area, 15 minutes by taxi) the costs will be about $ 200 higher. Early booking of these hotel rooms, assisted by the organisers, is advised due to a great number of tourists visiting Cracow at the conference time.

Poland possesses presently a status of an EU associated country and no visa is required for citizens of most European and overseas countries.
The immigration formalities at Cracow international airport both by arrival and departures take no longer than a few minutes. Cracow has direct flight to Frankfurt, London, Paris, Rome, Vienna, Zurich, Copenhagen, Tel Aviv, New York, and Chicago.
There are also many local connections with Warsaw international airport.
Similarly, Cracow has convenient train connections with Berlin, Moscow, Prague, Vienna, Leipzig, Kiev, Bratislava, Budapest, Frankfurt etc.
Coming by car is equally simple since the major highway Cracow-Katowice-Berlin (A4) approaches the conference place as close as 3 km.
Banking system is well developed, one can find international bank branches everywhere in downtown Cracow, major credit cards are accepted both in shops, restaurants and hotels.
Prices in Cracow, especially for gasoline, restaurants food, souvenirs, are 20 % lower than in most European cities.
Cracow is known by its moderate climate, especially in late summer when the conference is to be held.
The temperature varies between 18-25 degrees Celsius at that time and there is usually little rain.
Last not least, Cracow is the cultural capitol of Poland and there are many cultural events at the conference time, e.g., the Organ Music Festival in nearby Tyniec Abbey, Music in Old Cracow Festival comprising more than 20 concerts usually held in various historical places etc.
Cracow also can serve as an ideal basis for sight seeing tours, for example, to the nearby Wieliczka salt mine (one of the oldest in Europe) Tatra Mountains etc.
The organisers will be hapyy to assist in booking these trips.

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14th US National Congress of Applied Mechanics
Data Evento: 2002-06-23 00:00:00  (Evento Terminato)
Luogo: Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, Virginia, USA

The 14th U.S. National Congress of Applied Mechanics will be hosted by the Department of Engineering Science and Mechanics, Virginia Tech on June 23-28, 2002 and will be held on the campus of Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Virginia Tech) in Blacksburg, VA.
Virginia Tech is the largest comprehensive university (with approximately 25,780 students) in the Commonwealth of Virginia.
The College of Engineering awards nearly 840 B.S. degrees, 390 M.S. degrees and 175 Ph.D. degrees every year.
The Department of Engineering Science and Mechanics enrolled 89 graduate students in 1998-99, awarded 15 Masters and 12 Doctoral degrees in 1998-99, and had a research expenditure of $6.8M dollars in 1998-99.
The graduate program of the College of Engineering has been ranked 25th in the country in the 1999 U.S. News & World Report.

U.S. National Congress of Applied Mechanics and its sponsoring societies: Acoustical Society of America, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, American Institute of Chemical Engineers, American Mathematical Society, American Physical Society, American Society of Testing and Materials, American Society of Civil Engineers, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Society for Experimental Mechanics, Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Society for Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, Society of Engineering Science, Society of Rheology.

The conference will bring together mechanicians, and provide a forum for exchanging ideas, and promoting interaction among them.
Scientists and researchers from all over the world are welcome to participate in the conference.
All areas of applied mechanics will be covered.
Each speaker will be allotted 22 minutes for presentation and discussion of the paper.

General Co-Chairs: E. G. Henneke ( and R. C. Batra (; Scientific Program Committee Co-Chairs: F. Hussain ( and M. W. Hyer (

Several colleagues have kindly agreed to organize symposia; please see the Conference website.
Those interested in organizing a symposium should contact a member of the organizing committee.

Please see the conference website

The closest airport is in Roanoke and is 45 miles from the Virginia Tech campus.
It is presently served by U.S. Airways, Delta, United, and Northwest.
Rental cars are available at the airport.
A limousine service from the airport to Blacksburg and back is also available.
The local organizing committee will make additional arrangements to facilitate travel between Roanoke Airport and Blacksburg. Information about Blacksburg community is available at the website

31 January 2002 (Submission of Abstracts)
28 February 2002 (Acceptance/Declination Letters mailed)
31 March 2002 (Preliminary Program mailed)
1 May 2002 (Registration deadline for reduced registration fee)
23-28 June 2002 (Conference Program)

USNCAM14, ESM Dept., MC 0219, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA 24061; e-mail; fax 540-231-4574

Susan Maggard, Continuing Education, Mail Code 0364, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA 24060, e-mail; Tel. 540-231-9617, Fax 540-231-9886.

$375.00 if paid by May 1, 2002; $450 after 1 May 2002.
The registration fee covers the book of abstracts, two coffee/refreshment breaks every day of the conference, a reception on 24 June 2002, a banquet on 29 June 2002, and admission to all sessions.

ON-LINE INFORMATION is available at the website

The organizing committee does not have funds to support even the partial travel of any potential participant.

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VII Convegno Nazionale Di Reologia Applicata
Data Evento: 2002-06-20 00:00:00  (Evento Terminato)
Luogo: Istituto di Ricerche Tecnologiche per la Ceramica - Faenza

Questo Convegno quindi non è frutto di casualità o di improvvisazione, ma è una tappa significativa di un percorso più ampio. Un rilievo particolare e un ringraziamento vivo e non rituale vanno dati alla Società Ceramica Italiana e all'IRTEC-CNR di Faenza: senza la loro collaborazione infatti il Convegno Nazionale di Reologia sarebbe risultato impoverito nei suoi contenuti. Non è un caso pertanto che la prima giornata dei lavori sia interamente dedicata ai risvolti e alle applicazioni della Reologia nel settore ceramico. La ricerca di punti di contatto e di applicazioni ai materiali e ai processi di rilevanza industriale è un indirizzo che la SIR ha già da tempo intrapreso e che perseguirà con maggior forza anche nel prossimo futuro: il 7° Convegno Nazionale di Reologia è una testimonianza importante di questa linea di azione

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18th Annual Meeting of the Polymer Processing Society
Data Evento: 2002-06-16 00:00:00  (Evento Terminato)
Luogo: Guimarães, Portugal

The Conference will be held at the School of Engineering of the University of Minho, Guimarães, Portugal and will be organised by the Polymer Engineering Department.

Guimarães is located at 50 km north-east of Porto, in the Minho province. Porto International Airport is served by the major air-lines companies.

The conference will include 13 plenary lectures.
The following speakers have already confirmed their participation:

P. Anderson, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands
A.Garcia-Rejon, National Research Council Canada, IMI, Canada
H. Kausch, Ecole Polytechnique de Lausanne, Switzerland
J. E. Mark, University of Cincinnati, U.S.A.
A. J. McHugh, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, U.S.A.
J. Menezes, Grupo IBEROMOLDES, Portugal
C. L. Tucker, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, U.S.A.
S. Wakebe, FANUC EUROPE, Japan
M. Wagner, Technical University of Berlin, Germany
J. Wortberg, Gerhard-Mercator-Universitat Duisburg, Germany

The M. Lambla Awardee will also present a plenary lecture.

The various thematic symposia will be organized into successive individual sessions, each starting with an invited lecture. Since the number of sessions of each symposium will depend on the number of abstracts submitted, it is still too early to provide accurate information on this matter

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Eurorheo 2002-01
Data Evento: 2002-04-24 00:00:00  (Evento Terminato)
Luogo: Amaragua Hotel, Torremolinos, Malaga, Spain

Torremolinos, is situated at just 14 km from Malaga and at less than 10 km from the International Airport, the best location on the whole Costa del Sol.
You will find a great variety of entertainment and excellent dining in Torremolinos.
The conference will be held at Amaragua hotel.
If you require accommodation, please indicate this on the Registration Form.

The official language of the EuroRheo2002-01 will be English. No arrangements for translations will be made.
Multi-lingual personnel are available at major Spanish airports and most major hotels to assist travellers in their needs.

Extended abstract of all accepted presentations will be published in the form of a book of proceeding.

Dates to Remember
1st November 2001 - Submission of Abstracts for Peer Review
1st December 2001 - Notification of Acceptance of Abstracts

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Conference on Process Modelling
Data Evento: 2002-03-25 00:00:00  (Evento Terminato)
Luogo: Lake Vyrnwy Hotel, Powys, Wales

The conference will commence at 12 noon on Monday March 25th, 2002 and finish at lunchtime on March 27th, 2002.

The two day period gives time for workshop sessions as well as formal lectures. The emphasis will be on the numerical simulation of industrial processes involving non-Newtonian fluids.

Plenary speakers include Prof F P T Baaijens (Eindhoven), Prof D G Baird (Virginia Tech), Prof H A Barnes (Unilever), Prof D V Boger (Melbourne), Prof J de C Christiansen (Aalborg), Dr B Debbaut (Polyflow).

The meeting will be held at the Lake Vyrnwy Hotel, which is situated in a magnificent 24,000 acre country estate near the village of Llanwddyn in Mid-Wales, with spectacular views of Lake Vyrnwy.
The hotel offers excellent accommodation with full conference facilities.

The total cost of £350 includes full board accommodation from Monday lunch to Wednesday breakfast.
An accompanying person, sharing a room with a conference delegate, will be required to pay £115 or £130, depending on whether Tuesday lunch is required.

Organizing Committee
Professor Ken Walters FRS (
Dr G W Roberts (
Professor M F Webster (
Professor T N Phillips (

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Scuola di Reologia
Data Evento: 2002-01-21 00:00:00  (Evento Terminato)
Luogo: EniTecnologie, San Donato Milanese, Milano Italia

Corso di formazione e aggiornamento per ricercatori e tecnici industriali

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Rheology of Dispersions
Data Evento: 2001-11-07 00:00:00  (Evento Terminato)
Luogo: SCI 14/15 Belgrave Square, London, UK

Colloidal dispersions are important to a wide range of industries.
The rheological properties of dispersions affect manufacturability and end-use.
The rheology of a formulation also gives an indication of the colloidal state and interactions.

Target audience: Practitioners but non-experts.
Expect some colloid expertise but no great theoretical background.
Colloid scientists who want to learn more about rheology and vice versa.
Formulators and industrial scientists interested in product-process interactions.
PhD students.

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Workshop on Rheology of Ceramics
Data Evento: 2001-11-01 00:00:00  (Evento Terminato)
Luogo: CERAM Research Ltd, Stoke on Trent, UK

This workshop aims to:

Provide a basic understanding of rheology as related to powder suspensions
Keep the industry informed of the latest innovations in rheological measurement techniques

The workshop is primarily of interest to technicians and engineers working in the areas of product formulation, quality and process control within the ceramic sectors.
Participation in these workshops will increase rheological understanding and also provide a significant insight into how rheology can be used to enhance product performance in manufacture and end use.
No previous knowledge of rheology is required, since the various topics will be treated at a basic level.
Furthermore, the selected case studies will be realistic industrial situations presented by technical people.
The workshop will include lectures, case studies and laboratory demonstrations on common rheological instrumentation and will take place over 2 full days, commencing at 9.00 am and concluding at 5.00 pm. See overleaf for details.
This event is kindly sponsored by DTI (Department of Trade and Industry).

Financial support from DTI allows the attendance of delegates at the special price of:

Standard price: £150 per delegate
CERAM member’s price: £100 per delegate

Due to the limited number of places available it is highly advisable to book in advance.
If the workshop is overbooked, CERAM reserves the right to nominate places.

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73rd Annual Meeting of the Society of Rheology
Data Evento: 2001-10-21 00:00:00  (Evento Terminato)
Luogo: Hyatt Regency Hotel, Bethesda, Maryland, USA

The site of the meeting is the Hyatt Regency Hotel, in Bethesda, Maryland.
The hotel is just 2 miles (3.2 km) from the Washington, D.C. border, near the National Institutes of Health.
The hotel is situated directly above a stop on Washington’s Metro subway system, for convenient access to the Smithsonian Institution museums, the National Zoo, the White House, the Capitol, and the monuments around the National Mall. Admission is free to most of the Federally operated locations, such as the Smithsonian Institution.
There are also more than 100 restaurants within walking distance of the Hyatt Regency.
October is a peak tourist season in Washington, with an average high temperature of 69 °F (20.6 °C) and an average low temperature of 50 °F (10 °C). For that reason, reservations at the Hyatt Regency should be made early; special room rates for the meeting are $149 for single occupancy, $169 for double occupancy.
The meeting coincides with the Centennial of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (formerly the National Bureau of Standards), located 15 miles (24 km) farther north in Gaithersburg, Maryland. Some connection between the meeting and Centennial events at NIST is planned.

Conference registration includes access to all technical sessions and the vendor display, the program and abstract booklets, two receptions, one luncheon, coffee breaks, and refreshments at the poster session.
The registration fee does not include the Banquet, which is subject to limited seating.
Please see details on the meeting registration form.
On-site registration will be held on Sunday, October 21th, from 3 to 8 PM, in the foyer on the Conference Level (down the escalators from the lobby). Registration will continue each day, Monday through Wednesday, from 9 AM to noon.

A welcoming reception hosted by TA Instruments will be held on Sunday, October 21st, from 7 to 9 PM in Fellini's Bar and Grill (Lobby Level).

All attendees are encouraged to attend the society luncheon of The Society of Rheology, to be held on Monday, October 22th, from 11:50 AM to 1:30 PM in the Crystal Ballroom.

All attendees are encouraged to attend the annual business meeting of The Society of Rheology on Tuesday, October 23rd. This meeting will start at approximately 5:30 PM in the Cabinet/Judiciary Rooms.

Rheometric Scientific will host a reception in the Foyer outside the Crystal Ballroom beginning at 7 PM on Tuesday, October 23rd, prior to the Bingham Award Banquet. The Banquet will be held in the Crystal Ballroom. Dinner will be served at 8 PM.

Bohlin Instruments will host a reception in conjunction with the Poster Session on Wednesday, October 24th. This event will start at 6 PM. Posters will be displayed in the Crystal Ballroom.

Vendors will demonstrate their products in the Chesapeake/Susquehanna Suite (Basement Level). Coffee and refreshments will be served in this room.

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36ème Colloque du Groupe Français de Rhéologie
Data Evento: 2001-10-10 00:00:00  (Evento Terminato)
Luogo: Marne-la-Vallée, France

Le colloque sera consacré :

aux fluides complexes du génie civil au sens large, tels que :
bétons, mortiers, coulis, pâtes de ciment, bitumes ou enrobés bitumineux, fluides pétroliers, boues de forage, mousses, plâtres, poudres, enduits, peintures, colles, granulats
aux matériaux pris en compte pour le respect de l'environnement, tels que :
résidus miniers, boues résiduaires, matériaux de recyclage
aux écoulements naturels, tels que :
laves volcaniques, avalanches, laves torrentielles, déplacements de dunes, sols liquéfiés, lahars
L'objectif est de favoriser les échanges entre scientifiques des milieux industriels et universitaires (physiciens, mécaniciens, chimistes ou géologues) autour de problématiques communes a ces matériaux.

Ainsi, le colloque sera organisé autour de themes tels que :

mélange, malaxage
thixotropie, seuil de contrainte
ségrégation, blocage, instabilités
vieillissement, séchage, prise
simulations numériques des écoulements ou du comportement
origine microstructurelle du comportement des suspensions, mousses, émulsions ou pates granulaires
techniques de mesure spécifiques (in situ ou en ligne) ou d'observation interne (RMN, SANS, SAXS, Diffusion de la lumiere)

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Rheology in integrated product and process design
Data Evento: 2001-09-23 00:00:00  (Evento Terminato)
Luogo: Melbourne, Australia

The aim of this session is to bring together industrial and academic researchers in a dialogue that will review the value of rheology in an integrated approach to product and process design for structured materials.
The development and manufacture of materials where flow characteristics and microstructural properties play a significant role in the value and function of the product is undoubtedly one of the most challenging and fast growing areas in Chemical Engineering. Inherently, rheologists are now intimately involved in food, cosmetic, pharmaceutical, agricultural, specialty polymers and coatings industries.
This is an exciting climate of refreshing opportunities and new challenges for the global rheology community.
In this light, we envisage that the seminars and subsequent discussions will generate inspiration and clarity of purpose for the start of a new millenium of rheology research.
Three highly topical keynote lectures will be given under this session title (topics and speakers to be confirmed) throughout the Congress.
We invite you to submit a contribution, either for oral presentation or for the related poster sessions.
The deadline for abstracts is 30 September 2000. A fast track submission option is available for industrial contributions with a deadline of 30 November 2000. Abstracts may be submitted electronically by using the forms available at
Please refer to this website for the guidelines for contributors. In order for your paper to be considered for the session 'Rheology in integrated product and process design', please tick Rheology under Topic 4: Unit Operations and Fundamentals.

Please contact us if you require any further information with reference to the 'Rheology in integrated product and process design' session.

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Australian-Korean Rheology Conference 2001
Data Evento: 2001-09-20 00:00:00  (Evento Terminato)
Luogo: Melbourne Business School (MBS) at the University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia

The Australian-Korean Rheology Conference will be held in Melbourne, Australia on 20th and 21st of September 2001. The conference is organised by the Australian Society of Rheology and the Korean Society of Rheology.
It provides an international forum to showcase the rheological research in Australia, Korea, Japan and the Pacific region. All scientists and engineers interested in rheology are invited to participate in this conference.

The conference will be held at the Melbourne Business School (MBS) at the University of Melbourne.

200 Leicester Street, CARLTON, Victoria
Telephone(Melbourne Business School Reception):
International: +61 3 9349 8400

An abstract of 100 words is requested by 30th May 2001 (Submit Abstract)
These abstracts will be subject to peer review and acknowledgment of acceptance of the abstract will be given by 30th June 2001.

People who responded to the Call for Abstracts, and anyone interested in attending the conference are invited to Register.

The conference will be divided into two parallel sessions over the two days. Session titles are expected to encompass:

- Rheometry and Polymer Solutions
- Polymer Melts/Composites/Liquid Crystals
- Polymer Processing
- Suspensions and Electrorheology
- Food Rheology and Bio-Rheology
- Numerical Methods
- Constitutive Equations
- General Fluid Mechanics

Address all correspondence to:
Conference Secretary
Australian-Korean Conference
Department of Chemical Engineering
The University of Melbourne

Tel: +61 3 8344 7440
Fax: +61 3 8344 8824
Email: Conference Secretary

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Seventh European School of Rheology
Data Evento: 2001-09-10 00:00:00  (Evento Terminato)
Luogo: Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Leuven, Belgium

Rheological Measurements is an intensive short course designed to give practicing engineers and chemists an understanding of the fundamentals of rheology, its principles of measurement and its application to problem solving.
The course will be organised at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven for the 4th time.
Hands-on experience with commercial rheometers is provided.
The course is an unique combination of the treatment of the theoretical fundamentals of rheology and the practical
details of performing measurements.
In addition, application of rheology to the characterization of polymer solutions, melts, gels, crosslinking systems, suspensions and processing flows are covered.
The course in Leuven is organised in the framework of the European School of Rheology.
The Faculty are prominent rheologists from both Europe and the US.
Faculty and staff work closely with students throughout the course.
Small group laboratory sessions are designed to give students practical experience in making rheological measurements and to build confidence in understanding the results.

Participants may bring a sample for analysis in the final laboratory session.
Informal discussion sessions are scheduled to facilitate individual interaction with faculty and staff.
In order to maintain an optimal learning environment, course enrollment is limited.

If you desire more information about the contents of the course, you can contact
dr. Peter Van Puyvelde.

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Complex Fluids in External Fields
Data Evento: 2001-08-29 00:00:00  (Evento Terminato)
Luogo: Ashburne Hall, Manchester, UK

The University of Manchester is currently celebrating its 150th year. This meeting, held also by the Statistical Mechanics and Thermodynamics Group (SMTG) of the Royal Society of Chemistry, the Institute of Physics (IOP) and the British Society of Rheology (BSR), is part of a program of events to celebrate this occasion.

This meeting will focus on the dynamical properties of complex fluids and will bring together experimentalists, theoreticians and computer simulators. Sessions will include:

Dynamics of colloidal suspensions
Flow induced phase transitions
Liquid crystalline flows
Flow through porous media

The meeting will directly be followed a workshop on Colloid Rheology led by Professor John Brady (Caltech, USA).
This is another in the series of RSC SMTG free workshops and will take place from 2.0 – 5.0 pm on Friday, August 31.

A number of distinguished scientists from this country and from abroad have agreed to speak.
Among these are:

Professor John Brady (Caltech, USA)
Dr Christopher Lowe (Delft, The Netherlands)
Professor Jan Dhont (Jülich, Germany)
Dr Jorrit Mellema (Twente, The Netherlands)
Dr F Lequeux (France)
Professor Chris Care (Sheffield Hallam, UK)
Dr Julia Yeomans (Oxford)
Dr Patrick Warren (Unilever, Port Sunlight)
Dr Peter Olmsted (Leeds)

There is space for a limited number of further oral contributions.
Abstracts (under 500 words) are to be received by 15 July, 2001.

The AGMs of the British Society of Rheology and the RSC Statistical Mechanics and Thermodynamics Group will also be held during the meeting.

For further information contact the local organiser:

Dr Andrew Masters
Department of Chemistry
University of Manchester
Manchester M13 9PL
Tel: +44 (0)161 275 4679
Fax: +44 (0)161 275 4734
Conference web page:

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Eighth International Conference on Electrorheological Fluid and Magnetorheological Suspensions
Data Evento: 2001-07-09 00:00:00  (Evento Terminato)
Luogo: Plaza Concorde Hotel, Nice, France

The main objective of the conference is to present recent progresses made in the control of the structure and rheology of smart materials through the application of a magnetic or an electric field and in associated technologies

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3rd Pacific Rim Conference on Rheology
Data Evento: 2001-07-08 00:00:00  (Evento Terminato)
Luogo: Westin Bayshore Hotel, Vancouver, Canada

I am delighted to announce the organization of the 3rd Pacific Rim Conference on Rheology that will take place in Vancouver on July 8-13, 2001. On behalf of the organizing committee, I would like to invite you to present a paper covering one or more of the following themes:

1 Applied polymer rheology with applications to polymer processing
2 Rheology and thermodynamics of polymer blends and composites
3 Extensional polymer melt and solution rheology
4 Rheology of metallocene polyolefins - Long Chain Branching and polydispersity effects
5 Flow instabilities: Melt fracture-wall slip and related phenomena
6 New experimental methods
7 Modeling of polymer flows and numerical simulations
8 Rheology of complex fluids (electro and magneto-rheological fluids)
9 Rheology of suspensions, and Emulsions
10 Biorheology and general rheology
11 Invited speakers that will open sessions in each of the above themes. These are:

Plenary Lecture:

Roger Tanner - History of Rheology
Monday morning after the opening remarks

Keynote Speakers:

Vlassopoulos, D. (Rheology and Thermodynamics of Polymer Blends)
Munstedt, H. (Extensional Melt Rheology)
Larson, R. (Long Chain Branching Effects)
Denn, M.M. (Melt Fracture and Wall Slip Instabilities)
Goldsmith, H. L. (Biorheology)
Watanabe, H. (Rheology of Complex Fluids)
Boger, D. V. (Suspensions)
Hasegawa, T. (Polymer Solutions)
Lee, S. J. (Polymer Processing)

The conference is sponsored by the Canadian Rheology Group and the University of British Columbia and it is aimed in continuing the tradition of international conferences in rheology.

Yours truly

Savvas G. Hatzikiriakos
Conference Chair
Fax: 604-822-3107

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Summer School: analytical and numerical methods in non-newtonian fluid mechanics
Data Evento: 2001-06-25 00:00:00  (Evento Terminato)
Luogo: University of Minho, Guimarães, Portugal

The aim of the school is to interest young researchers into the field of Rheology and Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics by helping to bridge the gap between the available theoretical tools and the existing problems of a mathematical nature in industry and academia

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3rd International Meeting of the Hellenic Society of Rheology
Data Evento: 2001-06-10 00:00:00  (Evento Terminato)
Luogo: Patras, Greece

The Conference was a special one, since it was dedicated to Professor Andreas Acrivos, one of the most influential chemical engineers of the last 50 years, on the occasion of his retirement from the City College of the City University of New York, where he held the A. Einstein Chair at the Levich Institute.

Professor Acrivos' research interests lie in the general areas of Applied Mathematics, Newtonian and non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, Transport Phenomena and, currently, in the rheology of concentrated suspensions and the study of the effective properties of two-phase materials.

He has published more than 180 papers in well-reputed journals, and has graduated a large number of Ph.D. students who, in their majority, have become leading scientists and engineers.

His academic family includes more than 400 members.

He has received a number of distinguished awards, which include election to the U.S. National Academy of Engineering, the U.S. National Academy of Sciences, and the U.S. Academy of Arts and Sciences.

The meeting was attended by over 100 participants, out of which 30 were former students of Professor Acrivos or members of his academic family.

They had been invited by the HSR and participated in the Conference with invited talks.

The program included also plenary lectures, oral presentations and a poster session, on topics which covered all areas of the general theme of Rheology: Polymer melts and solutions, colloids and suspensions, molecular modeling and simulations, and experimental, theoretical, and computational fluid dynamics.

A complete list of participants, as well as the final program of the Conference is posted.

The Abstracts of the presentations given in the Conference were compiled in a Book, which is also posted. Extended versions of some of the papers presented in the Conference have been submitted for publication in a special issue of the Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics (JNNFM), which is expected to appear within the year.

The Organizing and Scientific Committees of the Conference are grateful to Professor Ken Walters, editor of JNNFM, for providing this opportunity in honor of Professor Acrivos. In addition to the Scientific Program, the Social Program was also interesting.

This included a tour to the Archaeological Site of Olympia, a reception by the ICE/HT-FORTH Director and Researchers followed by dinner, and the Formal Conference Dinner on June 13th, where HSR and Professor Acrivos celebrated his birthday.

During the Conference, commemorative plaques were awarded to Professor Acrivos by the Vice Rector of the University of Patras (Professor C. Vayenas) and the Director of ICE/HT-FORTH (Professor A. Payatakes).

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2nd International Symposium on Food Rheology and Structure
Data Evento: 2000-03-12 00:00:00  (Evento Terminato)
Luogo: Zurich (Switzerland)

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Southern Europe Conference on Rheology
Data Evento: 1999-07-09 00:00:00  (Evento Terminato)
Luogo: Hotel Eurolido - Falerna, Calabria

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Joint Conference of Italian, Australian, Slovenian Rheologists
Data Evento: 1998-05-20 00:00:00  (Evento Terminato)
Luogo: Centro Congressi, Stazione Marittima, Trieste

The Joint Conference of Italian, Austrian and Slovenian Rheologist foolowed the tradition of the previous National Conference on Rheology, which have been organized every year by Rheotech and the Italian Group of Rheology.
As in the past, this Conference was essentially devoted to bring together accademic and industrial researchers from different fields of recognized relevance with the expectation that they will learn from one another and discover ways to work together synergistically.
At the same time, this Joint Conference represented the natural continuation of the Rheoworkshops which have been held every year within the Alpe-Adria frame.
At the closing session of the 5 Alpe-Adria Rheoworkshop (Novo mesto, May 28-29 1997), it was suggested that Trieste would be the venue for the 1998 meeting and this is another reason why both councils of Rheotech and the Italian Group of Rheology decided to organized the next national Conference in a form suitable to favour the scientific exchange and to consolidate the international experience and role of the National Groups, in accordance with the spirit of the European Society of Rheology.

The scientific program included oral and poster communications on various topics of fondamental and pratical interest together with an equipment exhibition. More than 60 scientists from 6 countries attended this meeting and contributed to its success.

On behalf of the Organizing Committee, I wish to espress our gratitude to all the individuals and organizations that have contributed to the success of the Conference.
In particular, I wish to acknowledge the contribution of Eniricerche and University of Trieste for their financial support.

The next Conference will be organized by the Italian Society of Rheology, which gathers the inheritages of Rheotech and of the Italian Group of Rheology, with the cooperation of other national societies of the Southern Europe, and will take place in September 1999 in Calabria.

Romano Lapasin

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V Convegno Nazionale Di Reologia Applicata
Data Evento: 1997-06-04 00:00:00  (Evento Terminato)
Luogo: Viterbo

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IV Convegno Nazionale di Reologia Applicata
Data Evento: 1996-06-12 00:00:00  (Evento Terminato)
Luogo: Vico Equense

La Rheotech è una Società Scientifica a carattere nazionale fondata nel 1990 per la promozione e lo sviluppo di studi e ricerche nel campo della Reologia Applicata.

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III Convegno Nazionale di Reologia Applicata
Data Evento: 1995-12-09 00:00:00  (Evento Terminato)
Luogo: San Donato Milanese (Milano)

La Rheotech è una Società Scientifica a carattere nazionale fondata nel 1990 per la promozione e lo sviluppo di studi e ricerche nel campo della Reologia Applicata.

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II Convegno Nazionale di Reologia Applicata
Data Evento: 1994-06-09 00:00:00  (Evento Terminato)
Luogo: Sorrento

La Rheotech è una Società Scientifica a carattere nazionale fondata nel 1990 per la promozione e lo sviluppo di studi e ricerche nel campo della Reologia Applicata.

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I Convegno Nazionale di Reologia Applicata
Data Evento: 1992-11-26 00:00:00  (Evento Terminato)
Luogo: Trieste

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