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Mechanical Properties of polypropylene Matrix Composites Reinforced with Natural Fibers: a statistical approach Autori: J. Biagiotti, L. Torre, JM. Kenny
Presentato al: TOP Times of Polymers
Anno: 2002
Volume: Unico - Issue: Unico
Casa Editrice:
Lingua: English

The growing interest in using natural vegetable fibres as reinforcement of in polymeric based composites is mainly due to their renewable origin, relative high specific strength, light weight and low prize. Recent developments on natural fibres such as jute, sisal, coir, flax, banana, etc, have shown that it is possible to obtain good performing materials, using environmental friendly reinforcements. Despite the good potential of the application of natural fibres, the main drawback is due to the high variability of the properties. This variance implies the use of statistical approach to predict their mechanical properties and apply the design equations.

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