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Shear stress distribution on cells in flow micro- channel investigated by means of computational fluid dynamics
Autori: M. Grigioni, C. Daniele, C. Del Gaudio, U. Morbiducci, G. D’Avenio, M. Abbate, V. Barbaro
Presentato al: VIII Convegno Nazionale di Reologia
Anno: 2004
Volume: Unico - Issue: Unico
Casa Editrice:
Lingua: English

The evaluation of the shear stress over a layer of cells in a
micro-channel was predicted by means of computational fluid dynamics.
The lower surface of a parallel-plate flow channel was seeded by
simply shaped cells, modeled as rigid hemi-spheres and hemi-ellipsoids.
Numerical simulations were performed, at low flow regime, to
compute the shear stress distribution on the surface of the cells for
investigating the relationship between the shape, the relative distance
among the cells themselves and the stress acting on them. A comparison
of the obtained results allowed to describe the particular fluidic
patterns experienced by cells, taking into account that the related
mechanical stimulation can determine and/or modulate the activation
of the chemical and physical response. Moreover this modeling
approach can be useful to study cell-cell interactions under different
fluid dynamic conditions and adhesion sites in order to investigate
specific cell functions.

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