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Stable and unstable critical gel of thermoplastic polyurethanes
Autori: D. Nichetti, N. Grizzuti
Presentato al: VIII Convegno Nazionale di Reologia
Anno: 2004
Volume: Unico - Issue: Unico
Casa Editrice:
Lingua: English

The rich behaviour of thermoplastic polyurethanes (TPUs)
undergoing phase transitions is investigated by means of combined
rheological and DSC techniques. In particular, the kinetics of microphase
transition of TPUs are followed under both isothermal conditions
(crystallization from the melt), and constant temperature rate
heating ramps (melting). Rheological measurements reveal that the
micro-phase separation between hard and soft segments and the concurrent
crystallization of the hard phase domains produce a sol-to-gel
type of transition. In particular, the critical gel properties during the
crystallization transition are found to be quantitatively different from
those measured during the reverse, heating up process.

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