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40° Congresso SICC: Interdisciplinary and International Concept Conference in Expo
40° Congresso SICC: Interdisciplinary and International Concept Conference in Expo Per informazioni rivolgersi a Promoest Srl
Tel. +39 02 43912468

Data: dal 11/06/2015 al 13/06/2015

Sito Web:

Milano - dal 11/06/2015 al 13/06/2015

Informazioni Generali sull'evento

Abstract Themes
In line with the general objective of the Congress and the aims of the EXPO 2015, the paper can be either
an original research work or an outstanding survey on one of the following headings
Simplify the approach to ingredients innovation
Simplify Interdisciplinary Interaction
Sustainable packaging and Supply Chain
Effective Communication
Sustainable QM and Simplified Quality Controls

Elenco Abstract e Pubblicazioni
Attenzione al momento non sono presenti Abstract e Pubblicazioni inerenti questo evento