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Complex Fluids in External Fields
Complex Fluids in External Fields Per informazioni rivolgersi a Andrew Masters
Tel. +44 (0)161 275 4679

Data: dal 29/08/2001 al 31/08/2001

Sito Web:

Ashburne Hall, Manchester, UK - dal 29/08/2001 al 31/08/2001

Informazioni Generali sull'evento

The University of Manchester is currently celebrating its 150th year. This meeting, held also by the Statistical Mechanics and Thermodynamics Group (SMTG) of the Royal Society of Chemistry, the Institute of Physics (IOP) and the British Society of Rheology (BSR), is part of a program of events to celebrate this occasion.

This meeting will focus on the dynamical properties of complex fluids and will bring together experimentalists, theoreticians and computer simulators. Sessions will include:

Dynamics of colloidal suspensions
Flow induced phase transitions
Liquid crystalline flows
Flow through porous media

The meeting will directly be followed a workshop on Colloid Rheology led by Professor John Brady (Caltech, USA).
This is another in the series of RSC SMTG free workshops and will take place from 2.0 – 5.0 pm on Friday, August 31.

A number of distinguished scientists from this country and from abroad have agreed to speak.
Among these are:

Professor John Brady (Caltech, USA)
Dr Christopher Lowe (Delft, The Netherlands)
Professor Jan Dhont (Jülich, Germany)
Dr Jorrit Mellema (Twente, The Netherlands)
Dr F Lequeux (France)
Professor Chris Care (Sheffield Hallam, UK)
Dr Julia Yeomans (Oxford)
Dr Patrick Warren (Unilever, Port Sunlight)
Dr Peter Olmsted (Leeds)

There is space for a limited number of further oral contributions.
Abstracts (under 500 words) are to be received by 15 July, 2001.

The AGMs of the British Society of Rheology and the RSC Statistical Mechanics and Thermodynamics Group will also be held during the meeting.

For further information contact the local organiser:

Dr Andrew Masters
Department of Chemistry
University of Manchester
Manchester M13 9PL
Tel: +44 (0)161 275 4679
Fax: +44 (0)161 275 4734
Conference web page:

Evento sponsorizzato da: RSC Statistical Mechanics and Thermodynamics Group


Elenco Abstract e Pubblicazioni
 A rheological comparison of two fluids used in the hydraulic fracture of oil wells
R.B. Cooke, M.R. Mackley, G.C. Maitland

 A sphere, a ledge and a farrago of mesoscale modelling tools
Patrick B Warren, Dominic J Tildesley

 Colloid clusters in shear and sedimentation near a boundary
Robert B. Jones (Bob Jones)

 Direct measurement of transient hydrodynamic interactions
Paul Bartlett

 Dynamic Simulation of Suspensions
John F. Brady

 Flow-induced phase transitions and instabilities in complex fluids
PD Olmsted

 Mechanics and aging in concentrated suspensions
Francois LEQUEUX

 Modelling flow-induced phase transitions of complex fluids for micromorphological engineering
Xue-Feng Yuan, Laurence Jupp

 Modelling of colloidal particles suspended in a nematic liquid crystal
C M Care, I Halliday, K Good

 Non-equilibrium structure and rheology of concentrated colloidal suspensions: linear response
Grzegorz Szamel

 Rheology-microstructure linkage in intercalated polypropylene nanocomposites by in-situ rheo-X ray investigations
Ashish Lele, Malcolm Mackley, Girish Galgali, C Ramesh

 Shear banding in complex fluids
J. K. G. Dhont

 Shear Induced Diffusion
Jorrit Mellema

 Shear-induced yielding and ordering in concentrated particle suspensions
P.N. Pusey, G. Petekidis, A. Moussaid, M.D. Haw, S. Egelhaaf and W.C.K. Poon

 Simulation of droplet dynamics with lattice Boltzmann
Alexander Wagner

 Simulation of flow curves – what is going on at the particle level?
John Melrose

 Simulations of liquid crystal hydrodynamics
J.M. Yeomans

 The influence of an electric field on the rheological behaviour of a dilute suspension of dielectric ellipsoids in a shear flow
Dr Dmitri Miroshnychenko, Bogdan Nasypanyy

 The long time dynamics of colloidal suspensions
Dr. C.P.Lowe

 Thermo-acoustic scattering in colloidal dispersions
O.G. Harlen, M.J. Holmes, M.J.W. Povey and B.D.Sleeman