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II International Conference on Times of Polymers
II International Conference on Times of Polymers Per informazioni rivolgersi a Alberto D'Amore
Tel. +39 0815010291

Data: dal 20/06/2004 al 23/06/2004

Sito Web:

Hotel Continental Terme , Via Mazzella, 74, 80077 ISCHIA , Italy - dal 20/06/2004 al 23/06/2004

Informazioni Generali sull'evento

The form of the conference allows invited presentations as well as contributions from participants. Contributed papers for oral and poster presentation will be chosen on the basis of scientific interest and homogeneity with the conference topics. Discussion leaders, who are experts themselves in the field, will direct discussion towards constructive conclusions.

The total number of participants including speakers will be restricted to a maximum of 100 people.

Proposed papers title and short abstract (250 words) are requested.

International Journals agreed for the publication of the selected manuscripts

Evento sponsorizzato da: Università Federico II Napoli, Seconda Università di Napoli SUN

Elenco Abstract e Pubblicazioni
Attenzione al momento non sono presenti Abstract e Pubblicazioni inerenti questo evento