Luogo Centro Congressi, Stazione Marittima, Trieste - dal 20/05/1998 al 23/05/1998
Informazioni Generali sull'evento
The Joint Conference of Italian, Austrian and Slovenian Rheologist foolowed the tradition of the previous National Conference on Rheology, which have been organized every year by Rheotech and the Italian Group of Rheology. As in the past, this Conference was essentially devoted to bring together accademic and industrial researchers from different fields of recognized relevance with the expectation that they will learn from one another and discover ways to work together synergistically. At the same time, this Joint Conference represented the natural continuation of the Rheoworkshops which have been held every year within the Alpe-Adria frame. At the closing session of the 5 Alpe-Adria Rheoworkshop (Novo mesto, May 28-29 1997), it was suggested that Trieste would be the venue for the 1998 meeting and this is another reason why both councils of Rheotech and the Italian Group of Rheology decided to organized the next national Conference in a form suitable to favour the scientific exchange and to consolidate the international experience and role of the National Groups, in accordance with the spirit of the European Society of Rheology.
The scientific program included oral and poster communications on various topics of fondamental and pratical interest together with an equipment exhibition. More than 60 scientists from 6 countries attended this meeting and contributed to its success.
On behalf of the Organizing Committee, I wish to espress our gratitude to all the individuals and organizations that have contributed to the success of the Conference. In particular, I wish to acknowledge the contribution of Eniricerche and University of Trieste for their financial support.
The next Conference will be organized by the Italian Society of Rheology, which gathers the inheritages of Rheotech and of the Italian Group of Rheology, with the cooperation of other national societies of the Southern Europe, and will take place in September 1999 in Calabria.
Romano Lapasin
Evento sponsorizzato da: EniRicerche, DICAMP, University of Trieste
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The XVIII edition of the SIR conference will be held in Villa Rosa, a recently renovated ancient Neapolitan villa in Capri Island (Naples, Italy), in September 12th-14th 2024. The event will be organised with the support of the Department of Chemical, Materials and Industrial Production Engineering of the University of Naples Federico II.
All those with an interest in rheology, in all its aspects, are invited to submit contributions.
Selected papers will be eligible for a special issue in Rheologica Acta.
L'Associazione Italiana di Reologia ha come scopo la promozione e lo sviluppo delle attività nel campo della reologia in relazione ai suoi aspetti teorici, sperimentali, didattici, applicativi e industriali.
L'organizzazione di incontri periodici e di un congresso Nazionale annuale permette lo sviluppo di contatti e incontri