Luogo Timimoun (Algeria) - dal 20/12/2003 al 22/12/2003
Informazioni Generali sull'evento
The "Laboratoire de Modélisation & d'Optimisation des Systèmes Industriels " (LAMOSI, Oran university) and the "Laboratoire de Mécanique et Technologie " (LMT, ENS-Cachan) will organize a workshop entitled " Rheology of complex fluids : industrial impact ". The prime objective of this workshop is to bring together scientists from academia and industry to promote discussion and exchange on problems related to the flow of complex fluids. Scientists and engineers from various fields (civil, chemical and biomedical engineering, petroleum industry, cosmetics industry, pharmaceuticals, etc.) may be interested, and are invited to participate in this workshop.
The workshop will be held December 20-22 2003 in TIMIMOUN , a beautiful oasis located in the Algerian Sahara (1300 Km southern Algiers). This should promote scientific exchange between the 'North' and the 'South'.
Themes to be covered include the following areas :
-Polymer melts and polymer processing -Polymer solutions, liquid crystals, surfactants, etc. -Physical and chemical gels -Suspensions : Model systems and application to industrial fluids (pastes, petroleum fluids, etc.) -Flow of granular materials -Composites and nanocomposites -Novel rheo-physical measurement techniques -Numerical methods and application to the flow of complex fluids -Biological materials -Flow in confined geometries -Other related topics
The scientific program of the workshop will spread over 5 half-days. The half-day cessions will start with plenary conferences given by renown rheologists, including : Dr. N. Kherfellah, Pr. A. Poitou, Pr. D. Quemada, Pr. J.F Tassin and Pr. H. Van damme. A half-day will be dedicated to the visit of TIMIMOUN and its surroundings.
Evento sponsorizzato da: Nessuno Sponsor
Elenco Abstract e Pubblicazioni
Attenzione al momento non sono presenti Abstract e Pubblicazioni inerenti questo evento
The XVIII edition of the SIR conference will be held in Villa Rosa, a recently renovated ancient Neapolitan villa in Capri Island (Naples, Italy), in September 12th-14th 2024. The event will be organised with the support of the Department of Chemical, Materials and Industrial Production Engineering of the University of Naples Federico II.
All those with an interest in rheology, in all its aspects, are invited to submit contributions.
Selected papers will be eligible for a special issue in Rheologica Acta.
L'Associazione Italiana di Reologia ha come scopo la promozione e lo sviluppo delle attività nel campo della reologia in relazione ai suoi aspetti teorici, sperimentali, didattici, applicativi e industriali.
L'organizzazione di incontri periodici e di un congresso Nazionale annuale permette lo sviluppo di contatti e incontri