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Workshop on Rheology of Ceramics
Workshop on Rheology of Ceramics Per informazioni rivolgersi a Giuliano Tari
Tel. +44 (0) 1782 764240

Data: dal 01/11/2001 al 02/11/2001

Sito Web:

CERAM Research Ltd, Stoke on Trent, UK - dal 01/11/2001 al 02/11/2001

Informazioni Generali sull'evento

This workshop aims to:

Provide a basic understanding of rheology as related to powder suspensions
Keep the industry informed of the latest innovations in rheological measurement techniques

The workshop is primarily of interest to technicians and engineers working in the areas of product formulation, quality and process control within the ceramic sectors.
Participation in these workshops will increase rheological understanding and also provide a significant insight into how rheology can be used to enhance product performance in manufacture and end use.
No previous knowledge of rheology is required, since the various topics will be treated at a basic level.
Furthermore, the selected case studies will be realistic industrial situations presented by technical people.
The workshop will include lectures, case studies and laboratory demonstrations on common rheological instrumentation and will take place over 2 full days, commencing at 9.00 am and concluding at 5.00 pm. See overleaf for details.
This event is kindly sponsored by DTI (Department of Trade and Industry).

Financial support from DTI allows the attendance of delegates at the special price of:

Standard price: £150 per delegate
CERAM member’s price: £100 per delegate

Due to the limited number of places available it is highly advisable to book in advance.
If the workshop is overbooked, CERAM reserves the right to nominate places.

Evento sponsorizzato da: CERAM Research Ltd

Elenco Abstract e Pubblicazioni
Attenzione al momento non sono presenti Abstract e Pubblicazioni inerenti questo evento