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Linear viscoelasticity and steady-state flow behaviour of synthetic binders Autori: F. Martinez-Boza, P. Portal, B. Conde, C. Gallegos
Presentato al: Southern Europe Conference on Rheology
Anno: 1999
Volume: 1 - Issue: Unico
Casa Editrice: SIR-Cuen Napoli
Lingua: English

The research of a binder with similar characteristics to a bitumen but with a greater easiness for its pigmentation has forced the oil industry to develop a new material. This binder should not be considered as a bitumen from the point of view of its chemical composition, although their physical characteristics have been considered as a goal and in several occasions improved. This new product called synthetic binder, or “clear binder” is basically a mixture of oil, resin and polymer. Of course, the dark coloured asphaltenes should be omitted in the formulation of a synthetic binder. Pigmentable synthetic binders are used for coloured pavement applications, such as to alert the traffic to special situations, to improve the effect of illumination, etc.
This work deals with the influences that mineral oil, resin and SBS triblock copolymer concentrations exert on the linear viscoelastic and flow properties of these materials in a wide range of temperatures, with the overall objective of formulating pigmentable synthetic binders with adequate mechanical properties. The relationship between microstructure and reological properties is also studied.

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