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The drilling well as viscometer: the route towards new drilling frontiers Autori: R. Maglione
Presentato al: Southern Europe Conference on Rheology
Anno: 1999
Volume: 1 - Issue: Unico
Casa Editrice: SIR-Cuen Napoli
Lingua: English

The concept of the drilling well as viscometer (WAV) was born at the end of the eighties in order to solve an ever standing problem afflicting the operations and particularly the hydraulic circuit while drilling and cementing a well: the pressure drop calculated inside the circuit, using the measurements performed on a sample of drilling or cementing fluid on the Fann viscometer never matched the stand pipe pressure recorded at the dial of the rig floor. So, the idea to determine the behaviour of the fluids circulating in the well directly from field data and exactly from pressure drop readings having in the circuit and the corresponding circulation pump rates always and always struck root.

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