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The steady annular extrusion of a newtonian liquid under gravity and surface tension Autori: K. Housiadas, G. Georgiou, J. Tsamopoulos
Presentato al: Southern Europe Conference on Rheology
Anno: 1999
Volume: 2 - Issue: Unico
Casa Editrice: SIR-Cuen Napoli
Lingua: English

The main objective of this paper is to solve numerically the two-dimensional, steady Newtonian annular extrusion flow, and study the effects of gravity and surface tension forces on the shape of the extrudate. It is assumed that the closing length is large, i.e., the jet closes far downstream from the exit plane of the computational domain. It is also assumed that the pressures inside and outside the annular jet are equal. As a consequence, the jet shape can be considered to have reached an asymptote and the axial velocity can be assumed to be almost uniform at the exit plane. In such a case, the normal component of the traction at the exit plane is vanishing. In the numerical simulations, we use the finite element method with the full-Newton iteration technique for the calculation of the unknown positions of the inner and outer free surfaces, i.e., the positions of the two surfaces are calculated simultaneously with the other unknown fields.

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